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I think we all need a pep talk… What can you do that will make the world AWESOME? Write a paragraph about your plans to improve the world RIGHT NOW!

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Presentation on theme: "I think we all need a pep talk… What can you do that will make the world AWESOME? Write a paragraph about your plans to improve the world RIGHT NOW!"— Presentation transcript:

1 I think we all need a pep talk… What can you do that will make the world AWESOME? Write a paragraph about your plans to improve the world RIGHT NOW!


3 IAN Activity #1 Shade the Part of Speech Nouns - red Pronouns - yellow Adjectives - brown Verbs -purple Adverbs - pink Prepositions - green Conjunctions - blue Interjections - orange Cut and Glue Cut the rectangle and fold it so the part of speech is facing up. Glue it down to your sheet.

4 Parts of Speech Notes nouns – words that name people, places, things, and ideas ex. man, museum, leash, love Pronouns – words that take the place of nouns in a sentence ex: he, she, myself, our adjectives – describing words; words that modify nouns or pronouns ex. pretty, brown, lazy, awesome

5 verbs – words that express an action or state of being ex. jump, hide, seem, is, are adverbs – words that modify verbs, adjectives, or other adverbs ex. softly, always, very, too Parts of Speech Notes Cont…

6 prepositions – words that show a relationship between a noun or pronoun and another word in the sentence ex. about, at, before, in, under conjunctions – words that join other words or groups of words ex. and, but, or, so, yet interjections – words used to express emotion ex. Wow! Ouch! Hooray!

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