TARGET TIME: DAY 7 WORKSHOP 2 KILLER PLAGUES December 5, 2012 BELLWORK: WG-RB p44 SG-p45 A) WG-RB p44 SG-p45 CC-Fill out log! p.30IR-14E B) Epidemics are.

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Presentation on theme: "TARGET TIME: DAY 7 WORKSHOP 2 KILLER PLAGUES December 5, 2012 BELLWORK: WG-RB p44 SG-p45 A) WG-RB p44 SG-p45 CC-Fill out log! p.30IR-14E B) Epidemics are."— Presentation transcript:

1 TARGET TIME: DAY 7 WORKSHOP 2 KILLER PLAGUES December 5, 2012 BELLWORK: WG-RB p44 SG-p45 A) WG-RB p44 SG-p45 CC-Fill out log! p.30IR-14E B) Epidemics are dangerous because they can lead to... PS-Homework reading log due Friday!

2 TARGET TIME: DAY 7 WORKSHOP 2 KILLER PLAGUES December 5, 2012 BELLWORK: SHARING (read the complete sentence) Epidemics are dangerous because they can lead to... PS-Homework reading log due Friday!

3 TARGET TIME: DAY 7 WORKSHOP 2 KILLER PLAGUES December 5, 2012 TODAY WE ARE: 1) Learning about reading charts & their features, 2) Expanding our knowledge of new words, 3) Practicing the skill of summarizing using complete sentences 4) Identifying ‘sequence of events’ signal words in an article HOW? WHAT WILL THIS LOOK LIKE?

4 TARGET TIME: DAY 7 WORKSHOP 2 KILLER PLAGUES December 5, 2012 TODAY WE ARE also: 1) Practicing fluency in the Reading Zone (CC) by recording a passage about ????? 2) Making text-to-world connections in IR using the reading log & (title of your book), 3) Synthesizing information by reading critically in SG & writing on page 45 of the Rbook.

5 TARGET TIME: DAY 7 WORKSHOP 2 KILLER PLAGUES December 5, 2012 REVISITING VOCABULARY: INFECT: to spread through contact or near-contact *thumbs up if you think something is a positive INFECTion *thumbs down means it’s a negative INFECTion 1) To infect someone with enthusiasm 2) To infect a wound with germs 3) To infect someone with curiosity 4) To infect a person with Ebola

6 TARGET TIME: DAY 7 WORKSHOP 2 KILLER PLAGUES December 5, 2012 REVISITING VOCABULARY: 1) INTERNAL-inside something rather than outside Left hand up-INTERNAL Right hand up-EXTERNAL A) Steering wheel B) Antenna C) Hair D) Bone

7 TARGET TIME: DAY 7 WORKSHOP 2 KILLER PLAGUES December 5, 2012 ACTIVATE BACKGROUND KNOWLEDGE : Pages 42-43 What happened in yesterday’s portion of the article? Look at ‘sequence of events’ p.43 What is significant about the city of Messina (on the island of Sicily which is a region of Italy)? What was a drastic action some people took with regards to their families during the plague epidemic?

8 TARGET TIME: DAY 7 WORKSHOP 2 KILLER PLAGUES December 5, 2012 BUBBLE VOCABULARY: Page 44-COURAGEOUS Spelling rules—why do we leave the ‘e’ in even though we are adding the suffix ‘-ous?’ Courageous means ‘brave’ thus these words are synonyms.

9 TARGET TIME: DAY 7 WORKSHOP 2 KILLER PLAGUES December 5, 2012 SETTING A PURPOSE FOR READING- “The Black Death” part 2 pp.44-45 We are reading to understand, ‘what kind of impact did the plague have?’ When we are done, be prepared to tell why scientists think some people survived the plague. PS-Homework reading log due Friday!

10 TARGET TIME: DAY 7 WORKSHOP 2 KILLER PLAGUES December 5, 2012 REPEAT READINGS: Page 44- Oral Cloze1 & finger following Read along silently as I read aloud. When I leave out a word, chime in & read the missing word aloud... Afterwards, we'll do the Active Reading task & the ‘courageous’ example. Check it off when you have completed it.

11 TARGET TIME: DAY 7 WORKSHOP 2 KILLER PLAGUES December 5, 2012 REPEAT READING #2: Page 44 Oral Cloze2 & finger following Faster—more words... After this, we'll do the 'React & Write' Then we’ll preview the chart-title, row headings & column headings.

12 TARGET TIME: DAY 7 WORKSHOP 2 KILLER PLAGUES December 5, 2012 REPEAT READING #3: Page 42 Pickup & finger following Listen for your name—pay attention to punctuation! Afterwards, we’ll do the ‘Summarize’ Generating more ‘courageous’ examples: What are examples of courageous behavior?

13 TARGET TIME: DAY 7 WORKSHOP 2 KILLER PLAGUES December 5, 2012 ROTATIONS/BINDER REMINDER: 1. Check the board for your name. 2. Put your things in your binder. 3. Get your items under your desk. 4. Make sure you have your binder & something to write with as you rotate. 5. Remember to fill out your IR log & your computer log (page 30).

14 TARGET TIME: DAY 7 WORKSHOP 2 KILLER PLAGUES December 5, 2012 WRAP-UP: TODAY I LEARNED _______________ IN (WG, SG, IR or CC) BY (DOING WHAT?) Example: Today I learned how to spell 'individually' in CC by practicing it a bunch of times. PS-Homework reading log due Friday!

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