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Color Theory Day! Yay! 1.Sketch book and pencil 2.Learn about color theory, then apply it in a drawing outside. 3.Clean and close **REMINDER- E&P RETEST.

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Presentation on theme: "Color Theory Day! Yay! 1.Sketch book and pencil 2.Learn about color theory, then apply it in a drawing outside. 3.Clean and close **REMINDER- E&P RETEST."— Presentation transcript:

1 Color Theory Day! Yay! 1.Sketch book and pencil 2.Learn about color theory, then apply it in a drawing outside. 3.Clean and close **REMINDER- E&P RETEST IS FRIDAY @ 8:35. Have your review sheet complete!!

2 Primary Colors *Primary – First or highest rank of importance: Chief: Principal Primary Colors- a color that in a mixture makes all other colors. (red, yellow or blue)

3 Secondary Colors *Secondary- Derived or derivative: not primary or original Secondary Colors- a color produced by mixing two primary colors. (orange, green or violet)

4 Tertiary colors *Tertiary- of the third order, rank, stage, formation, etc.; third Tertiary colors- When a primary color is combined with a secondary color the result is a tertiary. (Red-orange, yellow-green…)


6 Complimentary Colors Colors opposite each other on the color wheel

7 Monochromatic Colors Tints and shades of a single hue

8 Analogous Color Schemes Sit next to each other on the color wheel.

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