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过去常常做某事 在英国留学 在广播中 从那时起 例如 金钱和成功的重要性 互相信任 超过 1.2 亿张唱片 自然与乡村的美 渐渐意识到 现场演唱 used to do sth. study abroad in England on the radio ever since then such as.

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Presentation on theme: "过去常常做某事 在英国留学 在广播中 从那时起 例如 金钱和成功的重要性 互相信任 超过 1.2 亿张唱片 自然与乡村的美 渐渐意识到 现场演唱 used to do sth. study abroad in England on the radio ever since then such as."— Presentation transcript:


2 过去常常做某事 在英国留学 在广播中 从那时起 例如 金钱和成功的重要性 互相信任 超过 1.2 亿张唱片 自然与乡村的美 渐渐意识到 现场演唱 used to do sth. study abroad in England on the radio ever since then such as the importance of money and success trust one another more than 120 million records the beauty of nature and the countryside come to realize sing live

3 充满归乡情结的歌 美国乡村音乐爱好者 现代生活 生活中最美好的事物 历史上最成功的音乐家之一 关于群体生活 想起她的家人和朋友 a song full of feelings about returning home a fan of American country music modern life the best things in life one of the most successful musicians in history belong to a group think about her family and friends back 著名的乡村音乐之地 a famous country music place

4 Do you have a favorite singer? Why do you listen to his/her songs? How does the music make you feel? What kinds of music do you know? Garth Brooks Do you believe that a country music song can change people’s lives? Taylor Swift

5 What’s Sarah’s dream? Who is Sarah? What is country music? Para1 Para2 Para3 Main idea Sarah

6 Country Music Fact Sheet ( 乡村音乐简报)  Where it is from:  What kind of music it is:  A famous country music place in Nashville:  A famous country music singer:  The number of records he has sold: Southern states of America A traditional kind of music about belonging to a group, people being kind to each other and trusting one another. Country Music Hall of Fame Museum Garth Brooks More than 120 million

7  First paragraph 1.Who is Sarah? 2.Where is she from? 3.What does she like? 2c She’s an American girl who used to fight over almost everything with her family. She is from the US. She likes country music. Read the passage again and answer the questions.

8 Para2: What is country music? country music : many songs these days : southern modern life old days success laughter beauty trust one another key words 关键词

9  Second paragraph 1.What is country music? It is a traditional kind of music (from the southern states of America). 2.What is country music about? It’s about belonging to a group, bringing back to the good old days, being kind to each other and trusting one another. 2c

10  Third paragraph 1.What is Sarah’s dream? To go to Nashville one day and see Garth Brooks sing live. 2.Who is Garth Brooks? He’s a famous country singer who has sold more than 120 million records. 2c

11 1987 Red Sorghum 1971 Dangerous 1981 Drunken Master Useful Expressions: I first …when… The book/song/…makes me feel…His book/song/…is It reminds us that … I’ve changed … His successful book/song/… is … full of energy. I have read/listened/…many kinds of … I like …written/sung/…by…He became famous in … But of all the … Report

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