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Introducing University Faculty and Instructional Staff to Second Life: A Pilot Initiative Suzanne Aurilio.

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Presentation on theme: "Introducing University Faculty and Instructional Staff to Second Life: A Pilot Initiative Suzanne Aurilio."— Presentation transcript:

1 Introducing University Faculty and Instructional Staff to Second Life: A Pilot Initiative Suzanne Aurilio










11 What’s your experience and/or opinion? Computer skills workshops, an outdated model? Love ‘em/Hate ‘em? Need ‘em/sleep through ‘em? “It depends” is a given.

12 What kinds of questions and interests Themes Technical Concern about the social and psychological implications Technical/Conceptual

13 Exemplary Outcomes of Educational Consulting Director of Multimedia Language Acquisition Resource Center * Recreation & Tourism Faculty Member * Information Literacy Librarian





18 What is the probability you will… discuss with colleagues or students? apply to improve teaching and learning? use in other ways that might benefit SDSU?


20 Apply to improve teaching and learning? “I am willing, but still unsure of possible applications. I need more time to think about what I learned today.” “This medium presents a challenge to instructional design. We should brainstorm on new ideas for design.” “I am very interested in using this tool as a meeting place for our online students... Our courses are entirely online.” Discuss with colleagues and students “Some of my colleagues have a different perspective about technology in general.” “I would like to brainstorm possible uses for teachers.” “Will share with instructional staff here at SDSU. ” Use in other ways to benefit SDSU “Various applications when it comes to student and faculty orientations.” “Generating grants for research and development.” “Hard to say at this point.”

21 Traffic data Website Traffic July 07-Jan 21, 08 –438 total visits –Average visit time 2.29 mins –Average page view per visit 1.9 Farm Traffic –219 unique visitors Sept 07 - Jan 17, 08 –Approx. 60 affiliated with SDSU

22 What kinds of questions and interests Conclusions and Recommendations Success in varying degrees Offer limited consulting Investigate opportunities for SL intro workshops Maintain the website as informational hub Investigate other VEs as they become available Stay consistent with a wait and see approach

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