To Fourth Grade At Southeast Elementary. Classroom Teacher- Mrs. Kuzminski Site Principal-Lindy Risenhoover Building Principal-Lynette Talkington.

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Presentation on theme: "To Fourth Grade At Southeast Elementary. Classroom Teacher- Mrs. Kuzminski Site Principal-Lindy Risenhoover Building Principal-Lynette Talkington."— Presentation transcript:

1 To Fourth Grade At Southeast Elementary

2 Classroom Teacher- Mrs. Kuzminski Site Principal-Lindy Risenhoover Building Principal-Lynette Talkington

3 Common Core Oklahoma Academic Standards Jenks Curricula Continua Primary Teaching Tools

4 Reading The Comprehension Toolkit *Focuses on “Reading as Thinking” *Builds key thinking strategies for increased comprehension *Supports time for shared reading, guided reading groups, small groups, independent reading, and collaborative discussions. *Students read a variety of genres. *Matches students with “just right” reading texts. Fountas & Pinnell Word Study *Builds word knowledge through instruction in phonics, spelling patterns, high frequency word knowledge, vocabulary development, and word-solving actions.

5 Mathematics Everyday Mathematics *Emphasizes conceptual understanding while building a mastery of basic skills. *Relates math to real life situations. *Hands-on activities *Practice through Games *Cooperative learning through partner and small-group activities *Home and School partnership

6 1.Make sense of problems and persevere in solving them. 2.Reason abstractly and quantitatively. 3.Construct viable arguments and critique the reasoning of others. 4.Model with mathematics. 5.Use appropriate tools strategically. 6.Attend to precision. 7.Look for and make use of structure. 8.Look for and express regularity in repeated reasoning. Mathematics & Common Core

7 Ryan walked past the toy store on Tuesday. He saw some wagons in the window. Ryan counted 20 wheels. How many wagons did Ryan see in the window? ______________ wagons Draw or write to explain how you know. Open-Response Problem Solving

8 What Math Will Look Like Our third step in the alignment process occurs this school year….we will be using the Common Core State Standards for Mathematics as the basis for teaching and learning. What does that mean for what you will see coming home or hear being talked about by your child? 1.You’ll see a continued emphasis on the thinking reflected in the mathematical practices. 2.You’ll see weekly work in open-response problem solving. 3.You’ll see continued use of the EDM games….please access these online from home as well. 4.What will be a little different is the focus on units of study….with an opportunity to go deeply into the standards during the unit. In order to do this with the resources of EDM, we are approaching the lessons a little differently. We’ve gathered the lessons from throughout the year that help us teach deeply and thoroughly into the standard (s) of unit 1. So you may see a lesson 2.1 followed by a lesson 3.4, followed by a lesson 4.2. This is because these lessons help us address the standards for the unit and give students the instruction, practice, and thinking opportunities for those standards. We will not lose the spiraling structure of EDM, because we will continue to bring the standards from each unit into the open response problem solving weekly opportunities and into the ongoing fluency expectations for each grade level.

9 Everyday Mathematics Units of Study Units First Semester Unit 1 Unit 1a: Content Standard: Develop understanding of number & operations in base 10  Demonstrate competence generalizing place value understanding for multi-digit whole numbers (Standards 1, 2, 3) Unit 1b: Content Standard: Develop understanding in operations & algebraic thinking  Demonstrate competence using the four operations with whole numbers to solve problems (Standards 1 & 2)  Demonstrate competence gaining familiarity with factors & multiples (Standard 4) Unit 1c: Content Standard: Develop understanding of number & operations in base 10  Demonstrate competence using place value understanding & properties of operations to perform multi-digit arithmetic (Standards 4, 5, 6) Unit 1d: Content Standard: Develop understanding in operations & algebraic thinking  Demonstrate competence generating & analyzing patterns (Standard 5)  Demonstrate competence using the four operations with whole numbers to solve problems (Standard 3) Unit 2 Content Standard: Develop understanding in measurement & data  Demonstrate competence solving problems involving measurement & conversion of measurements from a larger unit to a smaller unit. (Standards 1, 2, 3)  Demonstrate competence representing and interpreting data (Standard 4)

10 Everyday Mathematics Units of Study Second Semester Unit 3 Unit 3a: Content Standard: Develop understanding of number & operations with fractions  Demonstrate competence understanding decimal notation for fractions & comparing decimal fractions (Standards 5, 6, 7) Unit 3b: Content Standard: Develop understanding of number & operations with fractions  Demonstrate competence extending understanding of fraction equivalence & ordering (Standards 1, 2) Unit 3c: Content Standard: Develop understanding of number & operations with fractions  Demonstrate competence building fractions from unit fractions by applying & extending previous understandings of operations on whole numbers (Standards 3, 4) Unit 4 Content Standard: Develop understanding in geometry  Demonstrate competence drawing & identifying lines & angles, & classifying shapes by properties of their lines & angles (Standards 1, 2, 3) Content Standard: Develop understanding in measurement & data  Demonstrate competence in geometric measurement i.e., understanding concepts of angle and angle measurement (Standards 5, 6, 7)

11 Science and Technology for Children: *Students make their own discoveries *Knowledge is actively constructed by the learner *Hand-on *Scientific reasoning skills *Units of Study -Animal Studies -Electric Circuits -Motion & Design Science and Health Harcourt Health Focus *Safety *Healthy-Habits *Decision-Making Skills *Interpersonal Skills

12 TCI The Pre-K- Twelfth grade social studies curriculum is to develop responsible, action-oriented citizens with a personal, global, and historical understanding of cultural diversity and community. Social Studies

13 Character Education *Compassion *Honesty/Integrity *Respect *Self-Discipline *Courage *Perseverance *Responsibility/Accountability *Team Work Character Education & Tribes Tribes *Attentive Listening *Appreciation/No Put Downs *Right to Pass *Mutual Respect *Safety

14 Write Source Writing: Process of writing Process of writing Forms of writing Forms of writing Tools of learning Tools of learning Proofreader’s guide Proofreader’s guide Grammar/editing Grammar/editing Word Work: Word groups Word groups Pretesting Pretesting Word hunt/sorts/usage Word hunt/sorts/usage Language Arts Additional Resources and Experiences: Communicating through writing Communicating through writing Personal narratives Personal narratives Poetry Forms Poetry Forms Figurative language Figurative language Story writing Story writing Expository writing Expository writing Compositions Compositions Letter writing Letter writing Writer’s Workshop & Writing Crafts Writer’s Workshop & Writing Crafts Writing Process Writing Process Pre-writing Pre-writing Drafting Drafting Editing/revising Editing/revising Publishing Publishing Zaner Bloser Cursive Writing Zaner Bloser Cursive Writing

15 *Emphasis on the Spanish Language *Integrated into the curriculum *Develops awareness *Appreciation of other cultures *Cultural comparisons World Language

16 When responding to an adult, you must answer by saying, “Yes Ma’am,” or “No Sir.” Make eye contact. Congratulate classmates. During discussions, respect other students’ comments, opinions, and ideas. If you do well or win, do not brag. If you lose, do not show anger. Always say thank you when someone gives you something. Surprise others by performing random acts of kindness. Do not ask for rewards. Homework will be turned in each day when it is due by every student with no exceptions or excuses. Subject transitions will be swift, quiet, and orderly. Fourth Grade Essential 20 Be as organized as possible. When work is assigned, do not moan or complain. Obey rules with substitutes the same as you do with me. Do not save seats in the lunchroom. When in line, keep hands to yourself and move quietly. Be positive and enjoy life! Accept that you will make mistakes. Learn from them and move on. No matter what, be HONEST! Carpe Diem! Seize the Day! Be the very best person you can be.

17 Integrated into the daily routine… *Information Retrieval *Student Productivity *Problem Solving *Decision Making *Communication & Collaboration *Lesson Delivery *Keyboarding and Use of Technology grades Technology

18 Student Goals *Love of Learning *Independent *Responsible *Compassionate *Resourceful *Flexible *Knowledgeable Goals Teacher Goals *Support and Nurture *Develop Talents *Meet Individual Needs *Integrate Learning Styles *Connect Curriculum to the Real-World *Challenge and Grow *Partner with Parents

19 Homework is typically given Monday through Thursday evenings. Homework is due the following morning. If a child doesn’t complete daily assignments they may have unfinished work that becomes homework as well. All children should read at least 20 min. each evening. Each Friday, I a weekly reading report is due. This is a written response to what they have been reading at home each evening. We will start this after Labor Day.

20 Fourth grade uses the Jenks Policy when grading. We use the 3-2-1 scale. 3=85%-100% of the time-consistently successful 2=75-84% of the time-Progressing 1=below 74%-Needs improvement We grade our papers with the number correct out of the number of problems. For example : 8/10=80%

21 Tribes Expectations Essential 20 Bonus Bucks Clipboard

22 Lunch is at 12:35 For safety reasons, please check in at the front office before going to the cafeteria. You need a visitor badge. Classroom Schedule 8:50 Class Begins 8:50 Announcements 8:55-9:25-Morning Work/ Morning Meeting 9:30-10:30 Math 10:30-10:50-Snack & Read to Self 10:50-11:45 Reading 11:45-12:30 Writing/Word Study 12:35-1:15 Lunch/Recess 1:15-1:35 Read Aloud 1:35-2:30 Science/SS 2:30-2:50 Agenda/Jobs/Pack up 2:50-3:30 Speicals 3:30 Dismissal

23 Library – Tuesdays 1:15-1:35 Computer Lab – Thursday 11:30-12:25 Spanish Class – Fridays 2:00-2:45

24 Baby Binders Agendas Yellow Homework Folder

25 Two Way Communication Emails Notes Phone Calls Conferences It is a partnership in your child’s learning

26 Rose Hill – Nov. 14th Oklahoma Capitol/State History Museum – March 13 th Visit to East Intermediate- TBD

27 Things you can volunteer for include… Quilting Squares Pumpkinology All sorts of PTA Signups

28 School Phone Number: 299-4415 ext. 5800 Classroom Phone Number: 299-4415 ext. 6856 E-mail Address: Website: --southeast elementary—staff webpages—Jennifer Kuzminski

29 Math- Social Studies- Typing Practice- Good Website to Visit

30 THANK YOU FOR BEING HERE TONIGHT!!! Together We Can!!! Back to School

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