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Leadership Characteristics and Styles. A leader is one who inspires, motivates and leads people to accomplish organizational goals.

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Presentation on theme: "Leadership Characteristics and Styles. A leader is one who inspires, motivates and leads people to accomplish organizational goals."— Presentation transcript:

1 Leadership Characteristics and Styles


3 A leader is one who inspires, motivates and leads people to accomplish organizational goals

4 Leadership is all about influencing a group of people

5 Characteristics of an Effective Leader

6 Takes Challenges to Grow

7 Takes Calculated Risks

8 Adopts a Leadership Style that Fits Their Personality

9 Has Courage During Times of Controversy

10 Accepts Their Mistakes

11 Communicates Frequently

12 Is Approachable

13 Understands the Situation and the Facts

14 Essential Requisites of Leadership Are

15 Trust

16 Collaboration

17 Confidence

18 Competence

19 Competitive Spirit

20 The 5 Levels of Leadership

21 Five Levels of Leadership Level 1: Position or Title; people follow because they have to (Rights). Level 2: Permission; people follow because they want to (Relationships). Level 3: Production; people follow because of what you have done for the organization (Results). Level 4: Personnel Development: People follow because of what you have done for them (Reproduction). Level 5: Personhood; People follow because of who you are and what you represent (Respect).

22 How Do You Define Leadership Style?

23 Types of Leadership Styles

24 Basic Leadership Styles Autocratic Democratic Bureaucratic Laissez-Faire

25 Autocratic Leadership Style

26 The classical approach Manager retains as much power and decision making authority as possible Does not consult staff, nor are staff allowed to give any input Staff expected to obey orders without receiving any explanations Structured set of rewards and punishments

27 When to Use Autocratic Leadership Style?

28 When Quick Decisions Are Needed

29 No Need For Others’ Input

30 Team Agreement is Not Necessary

31 When High Level of Management Control is Needed

32 Limitations of Autocratic Leadership

33 Employees Cannot Question Decisions

34 Little Opportunity to Give Suggestions

35 Low Staff Morale, High Turnover and Absenteeism, Work Stoppage

36 Democratic/ Participative Leadership Style

37 Democratic Leadership Style Encourages staff to be a part of the decision making Keeps staff informed about everything that affects their work and shares decision making and problem solving responsibilities

38 The Democratic Leader A coach who has the final say, but gathers information from staff before making a decision Produce high quality and high quantity work for long periods of time Staff like the trust they receive and respond with cooperation, team spirit, and high morale

39 When To Use Democratic Leadership Style?

40 Team Agreement is Needed

41 Greater Motivation and Commitment

42 Knowledgeable and Skillful Team Members

43 Limitations of Democratic Leadership Style

44 It is a Time Consuming Affair

45 Not Appropriate When You Can’t Afford Mistakes

46 Bureaucratic Leadership Style

47 Manages “by the book¨ Everything done according to procedure or policy If not covered by the book, referred to the next level above A police officer not a leader Enforces the rules

48 When To Use Bureaucratic Leadership Style?

49 Staff are Performing Routine Tasks Over and Over

50 Safety or Security Training Being Conducted

51 Staff Performing Tasks That Require Handling Large Amounts of Cash

52 Limitations of Bureaucratic Leadership Style

53 When Work Habits Form That are Hard to Break, Especially if They Are No Longer Useful

54 When Staff Lose Interest in their Jobs and in their Co-workers

55 When Staff Do Only What is Expected of Them and No More

56 Laissez-Faire/ Free Rein Leadership Style

57 Laissez-Faire Leadership Style Also known as the “hands-off” style The manager provides little or no direction and gives staff as much freedom as possible All authority or power given to the staff and they determine goals, make decisions, and resolve problems on their own

58 When to Use Laissez-Faire/ Free Rein Style?

59 When the Team is Highly Capable

60 When Team Members Are Able to Analyze the Situation

61 When Close Monitoring of a Decision is Not Needed

62 Limitations of Laissez-Faire/ Free Rein Leadership Style

63 Not Suitable For Lesser Experienced Employees

64 Poor Productivity

65 Lack of Motivation

66 Other Leadership Styles

67 Transformational Leadership Creates and sustains a context that maximizes human and organizational capabilities Facilitates multiple levels of transformation Aligns them with core values and a unified purpose Makes change happen in:  Self  Others  Groups  Organizations

68 Transactional Leadership Emphasizes getting things done within the umbrella of the status quo In opposition to transformational leadership “By the book" approach - the person works within the rules Commonly seen in large, bureaucratic organizations

69 Creative Leadership Ability to uniquely inspire people, to complex and readily changing situations To generate shared innovative responses and solutions

70 Collaborative Leadership Empowers staff to facilitate collaborative and synergism Working with and through other people instead of bowing to authoritarianism

71 Change Leadership Endorses alteration Beyond thinking about individuals and individual organization, single problems and single solutions Rethinking systems to introduce change on parts of the whole and their relationship to one another

72 Intelligence Leadership To navigate the future by embracing ambiguity and reframing problems as opportunities A proactive stance in taking an organization into uncharted territory

73 Multicultural Leadership Fosters team and individual effectiveness Drives for innovation by leveraging multicultural differences Teams work harder in an atmosphere of understanding and mutual respect

74 Servant Leadership A practical philosophy focusing on people who choose to serve first and then lead as a way of expanding service Servant leaders are "servants first" with the object of making sure that other people's highest priority needs are being served Leaders put the needs of their followers first

75 Bridging Leadership Fostering synergy and reinforcing behaviour and motivation through the use of communication to create climate of trust and confidence Projection of confidence on the face of a difficult challenge

76 Purposeful Leadership Leader and the community share a common purpose to develop or provide the drive, authority and commitment to undertake projects

77 Determining the Best Leadership Style Should leaders be more task or relationship (people) oriented? Leaders have a dominant style, one they use in a wide variety of situations No one best style - leaders must adjust their leadership style to the situation as well as to the people being led Many different aspects to being a great leader - a role requiring one to play many different leadership styles to be successful

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