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Supporting Trade Facilitation WTO Symposium on Trade Facilitation Nairobi, 13-15 November 2012 Giorgio Cocchi European Commission DG Development and Cooperation.

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Presentation on theme: "Supporting Trade Facilitation WTO Symposium on Trade Facilitation Nairobi, 13-15 November 2012 Giorgio Cocchi European Commission DG Development and Cooperation."— Presentation transcript:

1 Supporting Trade Facilitation WTO Symposium on Trade Facilitation Nairobi, 13-15 November 2012 Giorgio Cocchi European Commission DG Development and Cooperation

2 EU Development Cooperation 1958 All countries and regions 27 Member States, one EU Consensus on Development Wide policy coverage, trade a key component, 2-3 sectors per country EU ODA to Africa = € 25.3 billion in 2011

3 Cooperation at all levels : Country (National Indicative Programmes) Regional (North, East, Southern, West and Central Africa) Continental Intra-ACP Dialogue with/within International Organisations (WTO, UN, IFI…)

4 Africa - EU Development, cooperation and trade agreements with almost all countries A Joint Strategy and Action Plan 2011-2013  Trade Facilitation Forum AUC-EU 11-13 December in Brussels

5 Main financial resources. 10th European Development Fund 2008 - 2013 (€ 22.7 Bn) Development Cooperation Instrument 2007 – 2013 (~€ 4 Bn for Northern and South Africa)  National, Regional and Intra-ACP allocations

6 2014 – 2020 proposals in discussion: 11 th EDF, € 34 billion Renewed financial instruments for Mediterranean States and South Africa New Pan African Programme, € 1 billion

7 Infrastructure: Regional and national programmes; Investment Facility managed by the European Investment Bank  € 4 billion in the first 3 years of operation

8 Current TF projects : ~ 130 Programs including 26 in Africa Circulated in WTO Negotiating Group on Trade Facilitation of 1 June 2012, TN/TF/W/149/Rev.4 In addition : Infrastructure Facility (private/public funds managed by the European Investment Bank

9 Main challenges: Streamline trade policy into development and cooperation strategies. Project preparation capacity => COMESA, SADC facilities.


11 Overall levels of EU AfT 11

12 AfT by major donor (€m)

13 Africa receives most of EU AfT 13

14 EU Trade Related Assistance

15 TRA by major donor (in EUR million)

16 What to do now : Programming 2014 – 2020 has just started and will be completed in 2013 => => Countries need to include trade, regional integration or private sector development in their cooperation programmes. Regions have economic integration/trade in their agendas. New Africa – EU Action Plan to be prepared in 2013 Allocate resources to project preparation!

17 Where to find additional information: On the EU : On EU Development policy: The Aid for Trade EU Report 2012: policies/financing_for_development/documents/swp-199-annexa4-aid-for- trade-report.pdf

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