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 ASCD Institute led by Carol Ann Tomlinson & Marcia Imbeau in February 2011 in Houston, Texas.

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2  ASCD Institute led by Carol Ann Tomlinson & Marcia Imbeau in February 2011 in Houston, Texas.

3  More students speaking more languages than ever;  Increasing numbers of students with learning difficulties;  More students needing help with reading & writing;  Many advanced learners who need to continue their growth;  An economic divide reflected in our classes;  A need for virtually all students to leave school as:  thinkers,  flexible & independent learners, &  producers of knowledge.

4  Students:  Learn at different rates;  Need different degrees of difficulty.  Have different interests.  Learn in different ways.  Need different support systems.










14 The Building Blocks of Good Instruction















29  Students Will (KUDs):  Know: The names and functions of the major digestive system organs listed below, and include them in a presentation. Mouth, teeth, saliva, epiglottis, esophagus, stomach, small intestine, villi, large intestine  Understand: The big idea; in this case, that: The human digestive system is an example of a system – a collection of two or more parts that work together to affect the entire body, and That each part is related to the others in some way.  Do: Demonstrate their understanding of digestion using the correct structure and function vocabulary to show how a piece of food moves through and provides fuel for the human body – from the time it enters the mouth to the time waste leaves the body.




33 Biology – A DI Lesson Using Sternberg’s Intelligences  Learning Goals:  Know:  the names of cell parts and functions of cell parts  Understand:  a cell is system of interrelated parts  Do:  analyze the interrelationships of the cell parts/functions;  Present understandings in a clear, useful, interesting, and fresh way.  After a whole class study of a cell, students choose one of the following sense-making activities (based on Sternberg’s model).

34 Analytical  Use a cause/effect chain or some other format you develop to show how each part of a cell affects other parts as well as the whole.  Use labels, directional markers, and other symbols as appropriate to ensure that someone who has no idea about how a cell works will be enlightened after they study your work.

35 Practical  Look around you in your world for systems that could serve as analogies for the cell.  Select your best analogy (‘best’ most clearly matched, most explanatory or enlightening).  Devise a way to make the analogy clear and visible to an audience of peers, ensuring that they will develop clearer and richer insights about how a cell works by sharing in your work.  Be sure to emphasize both the individual functions of cell parts and the interrelationships among the parts.

36 Creative  Use unlikely stuff to depict the structure and function of the cell, with emphasis on interrelationships among each of the parts. You should select your materials carefully to reveal something important about the cell, its parts, and their interrelationships. OR  Tell a story that helps us understand a cell as a system with interdependent actors or characters, a plot to carry out, a setting, and even a potential conflict. Use your own imagination and narrative preferences to help us gain insights into this remarkable system.

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