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Links between individual and systemic policy issues in Hungary Csilla Stéger 22 June 2010. PLA on TE’ors, ICELAND.

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Presentation on theme: "Links between individual and systemic policy issues in Hungary Csilla Stéger 22 June 2010. PLA on TE’ors, ICELAND."— Presentation transcript:

1 Links between individual and systemic policy issues in Hungary Csilla Stéger 22 June 2010. PLA on TE’ors, ICELAND

2 Policies on the individual teacher educator no such term is in use by legislation but university lecturers need PhD HE Accreditation Board requirements for TE’ors: PhD, relevant publications/research and for methodologists teaching practice

3 Result of the policy on the individual teacher educators high academic standard but in varied fields, academic/research interests, often lack of teaching degree and lack of general education experience/connection, Quality = Research/PhD, (not good teaching) and restricting participation of school based TE’ors HETEROGENITY + SEPARATION

4 Heterogeneity of TE’ors HE/school/CPD provider based, In their field of knowledge, In status of their field of knowledge, In teaching skills (some teachers, some not), In attitudes/values: What is good teaching? a mastery of the subject or effective raising of student learning

5 Policies regarding TE program/system No ITE, induction or CPD for TE’ors in policy Act on HE: there needs to be a unit/committee responsible for the entire TE program and its’ in school practice Accreditation: a professor as the professional leader of the TE program, + TE’ors with relevant PhDs. Rector’s conference’s Ped. Committee, deciding on new „subject orientations”, content matter

6 Result of the policy on the program/system HEI program It is singular in policies that the „management” of TE is in the act Institutional autonomy in executing the program External quality assurance by the Accreditation committee TE system Reformed for professional renewal and within the Bologna Re-reform is strongly demanded/debated All stakeholders actively participating, TKSZ and Rector’s Conference Ped Committee involved

7 Previous TE system P2 P1 Faculty1 Faculty 2 Faculty 3 TE Dept/Institute/Fac P3 +

8 Present TE system: school Fac1Fac 2 Fac3 TE Teacher education program Steering committee

9 Consequences 1- institutional New HE „management” / leadership tasks are required for success: Structural change (steering bodies) Cultural change horizontal cooperation vs. vertical decisions common program/TE’or identity on top of faculty identity Common understanding of good teaching/pedagogical paradigm change

10 Consequences 2 - national Teacher educators becoming the catalyst of higher education pedagogical paradigm change Teacher education makes way to realizing other complex multi/interdisciplinary programs Higher education stays the same, and TE policy will change to fit the present possibilities or

11 Accreditation criteria of TE is important National policy on TE program structures effects how „visible” the differences in TE’ors’ identity, values, attitudes etc. are. Effectiveness and efficiency of teacher education can be raised by more homogenous identity (therefore) education of TE’ors is important (ITE, induction, CPD) (as a side-effect HE in general will gain!) General conclusions – personal view


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