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Immigration 1890-1910.

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Presentation on theme: "Immigration 1890-1910."— Presentation transcript:

1 Immigration

2 Old Immigrants Protestants Northwest Europe England, Germany Holland

3 New Immigrants Southern and Eastern Europe Czechs Russians Greeks
Hungarians Poles

4 New Immigrants Also Arabs Armenians Chinese Japanese French Canadians

5 Why did they Come ? To escaper persecution Poverty
Racial intolerance (Jews in Russia) To work for the railroad To work for steamship companies

6 The Voyage Voyage across the Atlantic was difficult
Most traveled below deck/ steerage No privacy, poor ventilation, Noise Cramped quarters disease

7 Ellis Island New York harbor Screened for physical and mental health
Mental disorders, serious health defects or contagious diseases were turned back and deported Background check Job skill Relatives in america

8 Reality in America Lived in cities
Forced to settle for unskilled low paying employment Substandard housing Deteriorating neighborhoods Tenements/slums Better than where they came from

9 Northeast and Midwest Patchwork quilt Ethnic neighborhoods
Spoke same languages Followed same customs from the old country Religious institutions Community centers Benevolent : to assist immigrants in cases of unemployment – religious and non-religious

10 Employment for the Immigrant
Bottom of the labor ladder Nations”dirty work Mines, sweatshop, construction Exhausting and hard Poor wages Long house Unsafe conditions

11 Anti-immigrant feelings
Nativists: argued that the newcomers would never fit into American society Blamed them for crime, poverty and violence Took jobs away from native born American Led to rise of union

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