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The work of the London Borough of Ealing Transition Board Report to the Learning Disabilities Partnership Board on 23 September 2010.

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Presentation on theme: "The work of the London Borough of Ealing Transition Board Report to the Learning Disabilities Partnership Board on 23 September 2010."— Presentation transcript:

1 The work of the London Borough of Ealing Transition Board Report to the Learning Disabilities Partnership Board on 23 September 2010

2 Who comes to the meetings Service users, parent carer reps, Mencap, Connexions, ESCAN (children's team), CTPLD (adults team), school reps, college reps, health reps, Ealing Contact-A-Family, Job Centre Plus, Support for Living.

3 The Transition Board is working on 3 themes How we all work together to make transition better for young people. How we involve young people and their families so that they are in control of their own plans. Real Opportunities for Young People.

4 What is going well - Information Day & Evening information sessions for parents as well as a monthly transition drop in at the Carers Centre so parents know what to expect. There is a lot of information on transition now on the EalingHelp website. There have been a lot more information sessions held for parent carers, including 3 sessions were held at the Carers Centre. Young people have been involved in developing accessible information.

5 What is going well – Paid Staff The new virtual transition team meets on Mondays at Carmelita House – closer working between children and adults’ services. Health Action Plans pilot led by Elsa Grigg of Treat me Right from August 2010. New work is starting in schools to develop person centred plans in mainstream as well as special schools.

6 What is going well – Young people & carers The parent forum is helping us look at useful resources for parents. Young people at New Start group feed ideas to the Transition Board. Parent/ carers at Transition Board linking well with Parent Forum.

7 What is going well – Opportunities Every young person can now have an individual budget and support plan, if they are eligible for social care. The apprenticeship scheme has helped more young people get jobs with the Council; and more young people are doing paid & voluntary work. Funding has been agreed to extend the travel buddy scheme for young people.

8 Young people are planning the ‘What Next’ event to take place on October 21 st. Young people planned a stall at the Hanwell carnival selling their own goods; there is also a regular stall in Acton market. Art Project in Hanwell Park, and the band, I Love Thunder- a chance to have fun and contribute. Young people are getting paid to see if GP surgeries are easy to visit. What is going well – Opportunities

9 What are the challenges? We need to continue developing the new virtual transition team. People need help to understand individual budgets. We need new post 19 local learning opportunities for people with high support needs.

10 What are the challenges? Health Action plans need to be developed for those moving out of children’s services. GPs need to become central to helping young people with disabilities stay healthy. Finding accessible, affordable housing locally.

11 What are the challenges? Finding new work opportunities when money is tight. Starting social firms when money is tight.

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