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Staying Organized As a Coach Ch. 7: Planning for Teaching.

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Presentation on theme: "Staying Organized As a Coach Ch. 7: Planning for Teaching."— Presentation transcript:

1 Staying Organized As a Coach Ch. 7: Planning for Teaching

2 Before the season begins Practice/Game Schedule Busing information Player Expectations Facilities request Checking/purchasing equipment Hiring coaches Create a season plan…

3 Creating a season plan 1.Establish Goals 2.Identify Skills For Each Goal 3.Organizing the subject matter for instruction 4.Evaluating Skills 5.Plan Practices

4 Step 1: Establishing Goals Technique: performing skills Tactical: knowing when to use techniques (skills) Legal: rules and officiating procedures Physical: training athletes (weights, nutrition, etc.) Mental: preparing psychologically before practice and games Moral: sportsmanship and other responsibilities General statements of what to you want your players to be able to do

5 Step 1: Establishing Goals General statements of what to you want your players to be able to do Create 2 goals for your sports team The goals need to be different components o Choose 2 different ones out of the 6 options o Identify what type of goal it is ***Remember to be general*** Examples are on page 62

6 Step 2: Identify Skills For Each Goal Breaking down the goals you set out for your team into smaller components Techniques and tactics tend to be the easier goals to break down Gather information from other resources or past seasons to break down goals Answer the question: What is essential for my athletes to know in order to compete in a game/contest successfully?

7 Step 2: Identify Skills For Each Goal Break down the goals you created for your team. Be specific (goal #1 on page 63) This is will help you develop your practice plans Details are key!

8 Step 3: Organizing the subject matter for instruction How much time will you spend on the skills? What skills will be taught first? What levels will focus on the skills more than others? Teach the basic skills first Teach the skills your players need to compete in their first contest/ game first.

9 Step 3: Organizing the subject matter for instruction Goal #1 In the order of when you would teach the skills from first day of practice Goal #2 In the order of when you would teach the skills from first day of practice Using the skills you wrote down for your teams goals, rank when you would teach the skills

10 Step 4: Evaluating Skills “Good teaching requires that you individualize instruction.” Evaluate players skills and knowledge to help decide: o positions o roles o how to move forward with your coaching You as the coach need to be knowledgeable of proper technique and skill in order to evaluate properly

11 Step 4: Evaluating Skills What are 5 different ways you can effectively evaluate your teams knowledge and skills for the goals you set out for them? Explain in detail the process you would take in order to decide positions, roles, playing time, etc. when evaluating your players.

12 Step 5: Plan Practices Using a preseason evaluation will help you plan your practices, especially first week of practice. May need to go back to steps 2 & 3 and modify based on results of evaluation ALWAYS PLAN AHEAD, adjust if needed to

13 Step 5: Plan Practices The basic elements of a practice plan Date Practice objectives (step #3) Equipment needed Practice Activities Warm-up Practice of previously taught skills Teaching and practice of new skills Practice under competitive conditions Cool down Coach’s comments/feedback Reminders Organization

14 Step 5: Plan Practice Create one practice lasting 2 hours Be sure all components of the practice plan are present (previous slide/handout pages 67-69) If you need to look up drills, do so. Don’t just make something up with a name.

15 Share with me and all group members on Google documents

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