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Biodiesel – Day 6 who, what, where, why, & how? By: John Snowcrest Jr. High.

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Presentation on theme: "Biodiesel – Day 6 who, what, where, why, & how? By: John Snowcrest Jr. High."— Presentation transcript:

1 Biodiesel – Day 6 who, what, where, why, & how? By: John Donley @ Snowcrest Jr. High

2 Diesel History 1893 – Rudolf Diesel – first working prototype Common fuels - whale fat, kerosene, lamp oil. 1900 - World Fair in Paris, used peanut oil to run diesel engine

3 What is Biodiesel? A reaction of an ester (vegetable oils or animal fats) with an alcohol (transesterification) Type of fuel very similar to Diesel Can be used alone, or mixed with regular diesel. Higher gel temperature Less emissions

4 Why do we use biodiesel? Biodegradable and non-toxic Produces about 60% less CO2 emissions. Better solvent, as it 'cleans' the engine, removing deposits in the fuel lines. U.S. - only alternative fuel to have successfully completed the Health Effects Testing requirements (Tier I and Tier II) of the Clean Air Act (1990). Recycles old oils Renewable

5 Any pollution difference?

6 Where are biodiesel plants?

7 Crops used to make Biodiesel Animal FatBYU - CoconutsUSU - Algae Corn Oil Canola oil Olive Oil Soybean oil Chocolate

8 How do we make it? 5 main steps to make biodiesel: 1.Mix Methanol with Potassium Hydroxide 2.Add hot oil, shake for 2 min 3. Let glycerin settle, separate 4.Wash the biodiesel. 5.Get all the water out of the fuel.

9 What Vehicles use Biodiesel? Audi Dodge Mega Cab Dodge Durango Chevy Duramax

10 What Vehicles use Biodiesel? Con’t Ford F250 Trident 0-60mph 4 sec, 230 Mph Saturn Peterbuilt

11 Thank You’s 1.Huntsman Environmental Research Center @ USU – donated money to buy all laboratory equipment to make biodeisel. 2.Chevrolet Motor Company – provided curriculum ideas and videos.

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