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Vocabulary-Day 4 Comp Lit 3A. Root-MONO:  “one,” “single,” “alone”  Opposite of POLY.

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Presentation on theme: "Vocabulary-Day 4 Comp Lit 3A. Root-MONO:  “one,” “single,” “alone”  Opposite of POLY."— Presentation transcript:

1 Vocabulary-Day 4 Comp Lit 3A

2 Root-MONO:  “one,” “single,” “alone”  Opposite of POLY

3 monarchy Noun Rule by a single person

4 monogamy Noun Marriage with one mate at a time

5 monocle Noun Eyeglass for one eye

6 monograph Noun Written account of a single event or class of things

7 monolith Noun Single stone of large size

8 monologue Noun Long speech by one person in a group

9 monotonous Adjective Continuing in an unchanging tone; wearying

10 Root-TOMY (TOM) “cutting,” “operation of incision”

11 anatomy Noun  Dissection of plants or animals for the purpose of studying their structure  Structure of a plant or animal

12 dichotomy Noun Cutting or division into two; division

13 phlebotomy Noun Opening of a vein to diminish the blood supply

14 Practice  A discussion in which Janet takes part is usually a _____; she doesn't give anyone else a chance to speak.  George longed for a change because he found the work to be _____.  The 555-foot Washington Monument dominates the skyline of our nation's capital like a huge _____.  The sharp _______ between your promises and your deeds shows that you are not reliable. monologue monotonous monolith dichotomy

15 Practice  A In former times __________ was used indiscriminately as a treatment for practically all illnesses. phlebotomy

16  Isabel likes to discuss, argue, and debate; she cannot be accused of __________.  Some oppose innovation out of sheer __________; they do not want any change.

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