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MEXICO South of the Border. I. Ancient Mexico A. Highly civilized long before Columbus discovered America. B. The Mayan and Aztec Indians built magnificent.

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Presentation on theme: "MEXICO South of the Border. I. Ancient Mexico A. Highly civilized long before Columbus discovered America. B. The Mayan and Aztec Indians built magnificent."— Presentation transcript:

1 MEXICO South of the Border

2 I. Ancient Mexico A. Highly civilized long before Columbus discovered America. B. The Mayan and Aztec Indians built magnificent stone cities. Their ruins still stand today.

3 II. Modern Mexico A. Land of sharp contrasts 1. High mountains and snowy peaks

4 2. Deserts

5 3. Jungles

6 4. Fertile valleys

7 5. Cities

8 B. People 1. Language - Spanish 2. 75 of every 100 are Mestizos (white and Indian) 3. 15 of every 100 are pure Indian. 4. Only 10 of every 100 are white. 5. Indians were the original inhabitants of Mexico. 6. Most of the whites are descendants of Spaniards who came to Mexico after 1500.

9 C. Way of Life 1. Small farm villages a. Houses are made of adobe (sun dried clay)

10 b. House is usually one room with hard packed dirt floors and few windows, if any. c. Kitchen often is a lean-to-built of poles against an outside wall. d. Several generations of family often live together.

11 e. Mexican women generally have few activities outside the home except they help cultivate fields. f. Farming is an important occupation in Mexico. g. Living conditions in Mexico are poor by North American standards.

12 D. Products 1. Mexico produces more silver than any other country. 2. Chief crop is corn. 3. Cotton 4. Coffee 5. Bananas 6. Cacao

13 E. Dress 1. Peasant dress is brightly colored.

14 2. Men wear the traditional blanket called a serape.

15 3. Women wear a shawl which is called a rebozo.

16 III. Food A. The diet of Mexicans rely on vegetables and grains instead of meat and dairy products. B. Their favorite holiday dish is turkey cooked with a sauce made of chocolate, chili, sesame seeds, and spices. C. Mexican cuisine can be described as highly seasoned foods with chili and other strong peppers.

17 IV. Food Terms A. Maize – Indian corn B. Tortilla – Flat pancake cooked on an ungreased griddle. Chief cornmeal dish. C. Taco – Tortilla filled with chop meat, chicken, cheese.

18 D. Enchilada – Tortilla used to wrap meat or other food like a sandwich. Served with sauce. Baked. E. Tamale – Cornmeal mixed with seasoned meat and wrapped in corn husks. F. Tostada – Tortilla fried in deep fat until crisp.

19 G. Frijoles – Boiled beans – second most common food. H. Atole – Thick cornmeal gruel. I.Chocolati – Sauce made from cacao bean used in drinks and sauces – chocolate. J. Champurrado – Milk with sprinkling of cinnamon and grated chocolate.

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