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Year 2 Parent and Pupil Group Presentation Autumn.

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Presentation on theme: "Year 2 Parent and Pupil Group Presentation Autumn."— Presentation transcript:

1 Year 2 Parent and Pupil Group Presentation Autumn

2  Welcome!  Thank you for coming.

3 Curriculum Overview  In Numeracy children will be learning about ‘Number and place value’.  Our text in Literacy will be ‘Honey and Trouble’.  In Religion children will be exploring about the topic- Creation.  The topic in Science children will be learning is- ‘Healthy Me’.  In History children will be exploring the great ‘Brixton local area’ which link to our Geography topic ‘Mapping skills.’

4 RED Book  Your child’s reading book will be changed at least twice a week.  Please sign your child’s RED book each time you read with them.

5 Helping at Home  Please practise the 100 high frequency words.  You can also practise read and writing numbers from one to one hundred (practise counting forwards and backwards and try starting from different numbers e.g. 21).  Children can also rehearse 2x 5x 10x tables aloud with you in order and out of order.  Number bonds to 20 and 100.  Handwriting

6 Home Practise  Homework will be given out on a Friday to be handed in on the Monday.  Children will have a spelling quiz each Friday on their homework words.  Children will receive one piece of literacy and one piece of numeracy each week.  Each class will also be starting a prayer book.  Home practise is to revise what children already know.

7 Attendance and Punctuality  Please ensure that your child arrives at school before 8:55 as lessons begin at that time.  We do allow children to come into the building at 8:45 so that they can prepare themselves for the day.  Please ensure your child is in school and on time every day.

8 Contact Sheets  We need accurate and up-to-date contact details for your child’s safety.

9 Medical Information  It is very important that the school has a written record of your child’s medical conditions (if any).

10 Points of Contact about your Child’s Learning  If you have any information about your child that you need to share with us, please let us know when you collect them at the end of the day.

11 Half Termly Year 2 Newsletter.  You will receive our new Year 2 Newsletter next half term.

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