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Introduction Intro to Anthropology, Psychology and Sociology- IAPS (HSP3U) Ms. Boylan.

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Presentation on theme: "Introduction Intro to Anthropology, Psychology and Sociology- IAPS (HSP3U) Ms. Boylan."— Presentation transcript:

1 Introduction Intro to Anthropology, Psychology and Sociology- IAPS (HSP3U) Ms. Boylan

2 HSP3U WHAT IS EXPECTED OF YOU IN THIS COURSE 1. Challenge yourself, your views, your beliefs. 2. Challenge others (theorists, ideas, classmates, teacher) DO NOT CRITICIZE! 3. Always recognize and acknowledge your bias. 4. Be respectful of others and their views. 5. Think critically. Think out of the box.

3 Social Sciences A science that explores human societies and social relationships. Examples: History, Civics, Economics, Politics, Anthropology, Psychology, Sociology, etc…

4 Who are we? Why do we do what we do? What is the impact of our decision? The study of social science allows insight into these and other questions that shape human nature. Social science is the organized study of people and their activities and their customs in relation to others.

5 Enter the ‘ologies’ During this course you are going to become intimately familiar with three branches of social science: anthropology, psychology, and sociology. ‘Ology’ is a Latin phrase that translates to ‘study of’, but in a logical manner. Not surprisingly, the purpose of these three areas is to study humanity so that we can better understand ourselves.

6 Now you see me, now you see me differently… Like a prism, the 3 ‘ologies’ can examine the same aspect but end up casting a different light on the issue – this filter allow for a closer examination of the given topic We look at different issues through different ‘lenses’

7 Anthropology Is the scientific study of humans as a species and as members of different cultures.

8 2 Branches of Anthropology Physical Anthropology Cultural Anthropology

9 Physical Anthropology Explores humans as a species today and in history Looks at the evolution of humans over millions of years Archeology is a subgroup of physical anthropology

10 Cultural Anthropology Explores humanity through various cultures’ similarities and differences. This discipline contains multiple subgroups (often centered on cultural issues), all of which attempt to understand how and why cultures exist, survive, and thrive.

11 Some Key Contributors: Jane Goodall Margaret Mead Franz Boas Louis Leakey Alfred Kroeber

12 Psychology Is the study of an individual’s mental processes and behaviour. It is the systematic study of people’s thoughts, feelings and behaviour, with particular attention on the human mind.

13 Psychology explores humanity through mental processes. This discipline contains multiple subgroups (often associated with the idea’s originator e.g. Freud’s psychoanalysis), all of which attempt to understand how and why people think and act. Freud’s Psychoanalysis Couch

14 Some Key Contributors: Sigmund Freud Ivan Pavlov B.F. Skinner Jean Piaget

15 Sociology Is the scientific study of people in groups. It is the development, structure, and functioning of human societies with particular attention to human groups.

16 Sociology explores humanity through the interactions of people in a specific society. This discipline contains numerous subgroups (often a blend of the originator and social structure), all of which attempt to understand how and why people interact.

17 Some Key Contributors: Karl Marx George Herbert Mead Irving Goffman Talcott Parsons

18 Criticisms - … “some do, some don’t” Many of the social sciences are deemed “soft sciences” since they do not always rely on strict scientific methodology or rigorous, repeated data.

19 Criticisms - … “some do, some don’t” Think back to a time when a friend with a problem came to you for advice, and then later on, another friend came to with you the same problem. Did you give the same advice? ◦ Well, maybe so, maybe not…it probably depended on the friend right? ◦ Most social scientists would argue that humans (and their problems) are too complex to boil down to a single, simple solution, and so variation is necessary.

20 Criticisms - … “some do, some don’t” Another criticism is that the social sciences are more heavily influenced by of-the-moment political agendas and societal pressures and influences

21 However… Social science attempts to understand ourselves. As with any theory, sometimes there is success, oftentimes there is not, and occasionally the search yields unconsidered questions.

22 So, perhaps it was Adlai E. Stevenson who inadvertently described the social sciences best: ◦ “If we value the pursuit of knowledge, we must be free to follow wherever that search may lead us. The free mind is not a barking dog, to be tethered on a ten-foot chain.”

23 Avoid Intellectual Icebergs ! Unfortunately, a lot of people don’t give social science questions and ideas the time and effort they require. Instead, they rely on social science quotes to explain these complex ideas. But, like an iceberg, the quote is just the tip of the idea. Hidden underneath lies the vast majority of the concept. Like the Titanic, many an unwary social scientist-to-be has had their arguments sunk by a lack of research and preparation …

24 Consider famed psychologist Carl Jung’s statement that “[e]very form of addiction is bad, no matter whether the narcotic be alcohol, morphine, or idealism.” On the surface, this seems pretty clear BUT beneath this simple seeming stance lies a bevy of anthropological, psychological, and sociological ideas. And just to prove further that summary quotations can’t always capture a concept, consider this: love too is (by some) considered an addiction…does that mean it is bad

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