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Decision Making & Goal Setting Chapter 2 Pgs. 33-36 Objectives: 1. Students will know and practice the steps in decision making. 2. Students will make.

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Presentation on theme: "Decision Making & Goal Setting Chapter 2 Pgs. 33-36 Objectives: 1. Students will know and practice the steps in decision making. 2. Students will make."— Presentation transcript:

1 Decision Making & Goal Setting Chapter 2 Pgs. 33-36 Objectives: 1. Students will know and practice the steps in decision making. 2. Students will make both long and short term goals.

2 Pop Quiz  Open your book to page 36 and answer review question #1 on your own paper.  Remember, you may only use your own book  When you are done, place your paper on top of the filing cabinet and sit quietly at your desk until everyone has completed the assignment.

3 Decision Making Skills  Steps that enable you to make healthful decisions Protect your rights Respect the rights of others Seek advice from those with more experience  Parents or Guardians

4 Steps Of the Decision-Making Process (Answer to today’s pop-quiz) Step 1  State the situation - What decisions need to be made? Step 2  List the options - What are your choices? Step 3  Weigh the possible outcomes -Weigh the consequences H (healthful): what are the risks? E (ethical): does this reflect what you believe in? L (legal): does this violate any laws? P (parent approval): would your parents approve?

5 Steps continued… Step 4  Consider your values -Does the decision reflect your ideas, beliefs, attitude, and morals? Step 5  Make a decision and act on it - You should feel good about the decision you have made Step 6  Evaluate the Decision - What was the outcome? How did your decision affect your health and the health of those around you?

6 Setting Personal Goals  A goal is something you aim for that takes planning and work goal setting can be an effective way to build self- confidence, increase your self-esteem, and improve your overall health

7 Types of Goals  Short-term goals Are goals you can reach in a short period of time.  finishing your homework, or cleaning your room.  Long-term goals Are goals that you plan to reach over an extended (long) period of time.  getting an A in Health class, or keeping your room clean for a year  Short term goals often lead to long term goals

8 Achieving Your Goals  1 st step is to create an action plan Set a specific, realistic goal and write it down! List the steps you will take to reach that goal Identify sources of help and support Set a reasonable time frame Evaluate your progress by establishing checkpoints Reward yourself for achieving your goal

9 Setting a Personal Health Goal Activity  Pass out worksheet and complete during the period  This activity will be done individually  Depending on time, those who would like to share may share their personal goals.

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