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Strabismus For Medical Students & GP

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1 Strabismus For Medical Students & GP
Samir Jamal MD, FRCSC KAUH

2 Strabismus Misalignment of one or both eyes so as the eye (eyes) is not looking straight at the object of regard.

3 Significance In Children
Children need normally aligned eyes to develop vision. Strabismus in childhood is the second most common presentation of retinoblastoma. Strabismus is a common presentation for refractive errors.

4 Significance in Adults
Frequent sign of neurological disease Frequent presentation of systemic disease ( Thyroid disease & Myasthenia) Cosmetology

5 Types of Eye Movements Horizontal direction Vertical direction
Torsional direction All superior muscles are intortors. All inferior muscles are extortors.

6 Anatomy & Physiology Muscle Nerve Function Testing MR 3 rd Nasal
Look to nose LR 6th Temporal Look away SR 3rd Elevate, intorts, adducts Up & Out IR Depress, extrorts, adduct Down & Out

7 Anatomy & Physiology Muscle Nerve Function Testing Superior Oblique
4th Intorts, depress, abducts Look Down & In Inferior Oblique 3rd Extrorts, elevates, abducts Look Up & In

8 Types of Strabismus Esodeviation  eye turned in
Exodeviation  eye turned out Hyperdeviation  eye turned up Hpodeviation  eye turned down

9 Classification of Strabismus
Constant or intermittent Latent or manifest (phoria or tropia) Unilateral or alternating Comitant or incomitant (restrictive or paralytic) Paralytic or non-paralytic Nuclear or supranuclear

10 Non-Accommodative Esotropia

11 Non-Accommodative Esotropia

12 Alternating Esotropia

13 Exotropia


15 Alternating Esotropia


17 Causes of Strabismus Congenital: imbalance between innervations and contraction Refractive errors Loss of vision Paralysis or Neuromuscular Restrictive: thyroid eye disease Tumors

18 Strabismus secondary to loss of vision from Cataract in Lt. eye

19 Presenting symptoms of Strabismus
Deviation of the eye (cosmesis) Double vision Torticollis (abnormal head posture) Unexplained visual loss in a normal looking eye (Microtropia)

20 Abnormal Head Posture

21 Role of GP Confirm Diagnosis Decide on urgency Teach patients
Referral to Ophthalmologist

22 Management of Strabismus
History: 4 most important questions: Age of onset Constant or intermittent Unilateral or alternating Diplopia or torticollis

23 Management of Strabismus
Examination: Three objectives: Confirm the diagnosis Diagnose type of strabismus Differentiate paralysis from no paralysis

24 Examination of Strab Patient
To achieve the first and second objectives we do: Simple observation for the nasal white of the eye Corneal light reflex Cover test


26 Examination of Strab Patient
To achieve the 3 rd objective we look for: Presence of torticollis Answer the following question: Is the strabismus the same in all directions of gaze or not i.e. comitant or incomitant? Same = no paralysis. Different = paralysis or restriction.

27 Examination Test the extraocular movements in all directions of gaze.
Paralysis / restriction  Limitation No Paralysis  No limitation

28 Doll's Head Manoeuvre Used for testing the eye movement when the patient is uncooperative. The eyes move in opposite direction to the head movement.

29 Common Forms of Esotropia
Congenital (No-Accommodative)  Surgery. Accommodative  R/ Glasses. P. Accommodative Glasses then surgery. Sixth Nerve Palsy  observation for 6 M  surgery.

30 Accommodative Esotropia
Before Glasses After Glasses

31 Non-Accommodative Squint
Non-Accommodative Esotropia Before and After Surgery

32 Partially Accommodative Squint

33 Common Forms of Exotropia
Congenital exotropia Surgery Sensory deprivation exotropia Third nerve paralysis

34 Common Causes of Hypertropia or Hypotropia
Fourth nerve palsy Third nerve palsy Thyroid disease Myasthenia gravis Orbital floor fracture

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