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Jianchun Qin, Liguang Wu, Michael Theobald, A. K. Sharma, George Serafino, Sunmi Cho, Carrie Phelps NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, Code 902 Greenbelt,

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Presentation on theme: "Jianchun Qin, Liguang Wu, Michael Theobald, A. K. Sharma, George Serafino, Sunmi Cho, Carrie Phelps NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, Code 902 Greenbelt,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Jianchun Qin, Liguang Wu, Michael Theobald, A. K. Sharma, George Serafino, Sunmi Cho, Carrie Phelps NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, Code 902 Greenbelt, Maryland 20771 Data Processing Support Data IntegrityValue-Added Data ServicesUser Assistance The AIRS Data Support Team at GES DISC DAAC provides science and data support to assist the AIRS data user in understanding, accessing and utilizing the AIRS data products. User assistance includes: » Informational webpages which provide access to: Various technical documents Readme, AIRS Guide, DIFs Product ordering and distribution Sample imagery HDF-EOS format information Online data tools AIRS Science Team web links Contact information » AIRS Data Access DAAC Search and Order Enables users to request data efficiently through hierarchical architecture. Shows temporal coverage, number of items, average item size, description and browse images for the AIRS data products available. At certain levels of the hierarchy, spatial, temporal, orbital and parameter search features are provided to customize searches. ECS Data Pool A new solution for distributing EOS data on-line. It will increase the distribution capacity by significantly reducing the need to access a tape archive. In addition, user accesses to the data should be made faster and easier. EOS Data Gateway The EOS Data Gateway (EDG) is the interface to all data available in NASA's Earth Observation System Data Information System and related data centers. The data support team will submit valids and provide online guide documents,data product definition, testing ordering. » “Golden Day” data archiving and distribution » Help desk for various user questions and special requests » Publicity of AIRS data products at various scientific conferences, meetings and seminars The AIRS data processing support involves the AIRS Earth Science Data Type (ESDT) management, integration of science software in the production systems (both the Planning and Data Processing Subsystems (PDPS) and the Simple Scalable Script-based Scientific Processor - Mission (S4PM)), monitoring data production, and trouble shooting. » ESDT Support AIRS Descriptors verification and updates ESDT installations and checkout in ECS operations EOS Data Gateway (EDG) Valids processing, submission and updates EDG testing and checkout for new products Coordinating the public release of AIRS products » Science Software Integration & Test (SSI&T) Support Goddard Automation Tools for Enhanced SSI&T (GATES) is a suite of tools for automating, standardizing, and documenting SSI&T activities. Activities of GATES include: Development of SSI&T Tools Maintenance of AIRS SSI&T Documents Development of Web Forms for Controlled Integration AIRS Test Summary Reports Maintenance of AIRS SSI&T Agreement » Replacement of PDPS by S4P-Mission Due to the successful deployment of S4PM for MODIS processing, ESDIS requested the incorporation of AIRS into S4PM. Implementation is scheduled for October 2001 - February 2002 as follows: L1 Implementation: 1 October - 15 November L1 Testing: 29 October - 15 December L2 Implementation: 1 December - 15 January L2 Testing: 15 January - 15 February MOSS-6 w/S4PM (L1 only): Mid January » Other Support Supply of NOAA observational and forecast products as input for AIRS L2 processing, including raw data, documentation and decoding tools Work with AIRS Data Providers on data products definition to facilitate access of data by the larger user community Coordination between Data Provider and the data production team The AIRS Data Support Team assists the Data Producer by performing data integrity checks. These checks fall into three categories: production, ingest and distribution checks. » Production Production tools are helpful in checking the production at each stage. Data gaps due to data/system problems can be determined by these tools. Data integrity checks are also performed in the production stream and metadata validation to identify problems with science algorithms and corrupted data, and to ensure proper database population of attributes. » Data Ingest Metadata check tools are used to compare the metadata before and after the ingestion. This includes validation of all the attributes and ECS Core metadata quality check. » Distribution Distribution tools are designed to help many aspects of distribution system including the statistics of the data distributed to different users on different media. These tools are helpful in determining the most popular data products and media. » Other QA Support Application of MUSE/QAMUT (QA Metadata Update Tool) Identifying problems through tool development and team player’s knowledge of the data » Data production and distribution tools are listed as: AIRS L0 Data Monitor AIRS Data Production Monitor AIRS Data Production Request Monitor AIRS Shipping Monitor AIRS Data Distribution Monitor AIRS Data Archive Monitor AIRS Data Inventory Monitor » Channel/variable subsetting and restructuring The web-based AIRS on-the-fly/on-demand subsetter performs channel and variable subsetting and restructuring for AIRS Level 1A, Level1B and Level2 data products. One can narrow down criteria to subset data files with desired channels and variables and download the subsetted file. » Data mining Integrate and run user-provided data reduction algorithms to routinely generate value-added products. This type of procedure, so-called “knowledge discovery from data bases” (KDD), provides an external subsystem that interfaces with GES DISC DAAC system in a manner similar to that of other data producers. AIRS Data Support Team is developing, researching, integrating on- line/off-line tools in order to assist users in manipulating AIRS data files. » On-line data visualization and analysis The HTML/CGI interfaces interacting with data analysis software, such as IDL, allow users to search, select, analyze and manipulate » Data format and tools support AIRS data users will need certain tools to get full use out of AIRS data which is in HDF-EOS format. Tools that are available for reading, displaying and manipulating AIRS data will be tested and recommended to AIRS users as they become available. AIRS users can have a list of those tools from the AIRS Data Support web page. In addition, the AIRS Data Support Team will provide programs in various computer languages (e.g., C, FORTRAN, IDL, MATLAB) for this purpose. data, and assure data contents such as domain, parameters, data quality, physical features prior to ordering data product. The vertical profiling feature will be particularly useful with AIRS data. Web snapshots of monitoring tools are courtesy ECS.

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