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Presentation on theme: "JOSH LAPIDUS LAURA MATTHEWS NICOLE TRAIL "Men for Change" Strategic Plan."— Presentation transcript:


2 Introduction Situation Analysis FAS Background Research  Secondary  Primary  Key Findings Strategic Plan Further Recommendations Conclusion

3 “Men for Change” 2009: “Men for Change” 2010:  Approximately 60 men in attendance  No male Elon students present  Speakers- Police Chief Chris McKenzie & Officer Justin Garner of Carthage N.C. Police Department  High admission price- $25  Planned specifically to enable and attract male Elon students to attend  Speakers for this year’s event: Frank Mickens-lead anchor reporter for WFMY News2 (confirmed) and sports anchor James Brown (tentatively)  Working to lower admission price Situation Analysis

4 Family Abuse Services Background Nonprofit organization since 1985 Dedicated to the prevention and intervention of domestic violence Highlighted by the Governor’s Crime Commission as an exemplary partner in a unified community initiative against domestic violence Partners with key community agencies, institutions, and organizations to create awareness about domestic violence and prevent future occurrences

5 Secondary Research Best ways to advertise to college students: 1. Social media (i.e. Facebook, Twitter, etc.) 2. Word of mouth 3. Peer groups “In an age when the college demographic is no longer easily reached via traditional advertising venues... A micro industry of campus marketing as emerged.” Peer-to-peer recommendations have been shown to have more impact than traditional advertising on reaching “the elusive but critical college market.” (Schweitzer, 2005)

6 Secondary Research: Target Audience Male Elon students  Ages 18-22 Male Burlington residents  Ages 18+ Essentially, we are targeting people who have experienced domestic violence or who believe that it is an important issue that needs to be heard.

7 Primary Research: Survey Results 71% of males have not heard of FAS 54% have witnessed or experienced domestic violence 58% would consider attending the event if they knew more about it 58% said they would be more apt to attend the event if they were required to by a class/organization 66% would not pay more than $5 to attend 10-question survey distributed to approximately 50 male Elon students through SurveyMonkey:

8 Would you consider attending an all-male event for men who are committed to this cause?

9 What would influence you to attend this event?

10 Primary Research: Focus Group Effective Advertising:  Moderator: So now switching to on-campus advertising, which is going to be a big channel for FAS to reach Elon students. What on-campus advertising methods grab your attention the most? M1: Personally for me, I guess the only thing that affects me is word of mouth because the digital posters are only up there for like 10 seconds and you don’t really see them. I’d say like a good thing to do is get faculty and staff involved, especially if they are male teachers. We are all young men but we still have role models like even if we don’t admit it. Admission Price:  Moderator: How much would you be willing to pay to attend this event? M4: Five bucks. M3: Zero. M2: I probably wouldn’t pay. M1: Zero. M4: If it was phoenix cash or something like that, I would be more likely to do it. If it was 25 bucks, absolutely not. I would not go to that. 25 bucks. That’s like a tank of gas.

11 Primary Research: Focus Group Event Suggestions:  Moderator: Alright. So do you guys have any further recommendations for the organization of the Men for Change event or how to market it? Any more thoughts? M2: If they are trying to reach the Elon population specifically then they have to make it connect to our lives. If it’s just something about statistics of different states or stuff like that, we’re not going to care. But if it’s like “look at this that goes on in college among college students.” Then it’s like “Oh Okay. Woah. I didn’t know that.” Location:  Moderator: Now we would like to get some suggestions from you guys on how to market the “Men for Change” event to male Elon students? Think about what would make you want to attend if you saw ads or heard about it through word of mouth? M3: If they do it at Elon then you would get so many more people to go. Because I wouldn’t drive out of my way 10 minutes to go see it. M2: If you get some sort of incentive from the University then that would definitely attract students.

12 Research: Key Findings Best ways to advertise to male Elon students:  Word of mouth  Social media  Peer groups Cost is the greatest deterrent to male Elon student attendance Two divisions exist within the target audiences:  Extrinsic motivation  Intrinsic motivation

13 Strategic Plan With a clear understanding of the nature of the challenge we formulated specific objectives, strategies, and tactics. GOAL– Increase overall attendance of the second “Men for Change” event and, in the process, raise awareness of Family Abusive Services.

14 Strategic Plan: Objective 1 Objective (1) – Have at least 25 male Elon Students attend the second “Men for Change” event Strategy (1A) – Use established on-campus print, broadcast and online advertising channels to increase awareness of “Men for Change” Event Tactics Budget/Timeline

15 Strategic Plan: Objective 1 Strategy (1B) – Secure sponsorship for the “Men for Change” event by partnering with an organization on campus. By securing sponsorship we will obtain word of mouth promotions through their members as well as increased advertising through the organization’s own individual efforts to promote the event. Word of mouth advertisements will also increase awareness of FAS. Tactics Budget/Timeline

16 Strategic Plan: Objective 1 Strategy (1C) – Use sponsorship and donated funds/goods to promote the “Men for Change” event on campus and reduce the admission price of the event, which our research has shown to be the primary deterrent for Elon male attendance. Tactics Budget/Timeline

17 Strategic Plan: Objective 1 Strategy (1D) – Use targeted strategies to advertise the extrinsic and intrinsic benefits of attending the event. Tactics Budget/Timeline

18 Strategic Plan: Objective 2 Objective (2) – Increase attendance of Burlington males at the “Men for Change” event by 15%. Strategy (2A) – Use direct sales and direct marketing on behalf of the Board of Directors to reach Burlington men. Tactics Budget/Timeline

19 Strategic Plan: Objective 2 Strategy (2B) – Advertise the “Men for Change” event in locations such as churches and the meeting places of local men’s groups, which our research has indicated are likely venues for our target audiences. Tactics Budget/Timeline

20 Strategic Plan: Objective 2 Strategy (2C) – Use local media to advertise the “Men for Change” event to Burlington men. Tactics Budget/Timeline

21 Further Recommendations We recommend that during the spring semester you partner with a Strategic Writing class to implement the tactical objectives of our strategic plan.

22 Conclusion The objectives, strategies and tactics outlined in this plan will help to increase attendance and create awareness about domestic violence and Family Abuse Services. If this plan is implemented as recommended, we believe that the second annual “Men for Change” event will be extremely successful. Thank you for the opportunity to partner with your organization!

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