Reports from Secretary and Treasurer. euroCRIS jubilee! euroCRIS celebrates its 10th anniversary as not- for-profit association Date of registration:

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Presentation on theme: "Reports from Secretary and Treasurer. euroCRIS jubilee! euroCRIS celebrates its 10th anniversary as not- for-profit association Date of registration:"— Presentation transcript:

1 Reports from Secretary and Treasurer

2 euroCRIS jubilee! euroCRIS celebrates its 10th anniversary as not- for-profit association Date of registration: 13th of June 2002 ________________________________________ Professional assocation of CRIS experts Custodian of CERIF – Common European Research Information Format

3 euroCRIS membership Institutional:105 Personal: 40 Affiliate: 17 162 members, with altogether 295 delegates from 41 countries ________________________________________ APPLICATION FOR MEMBERSHIP:

4 The organisation - Board General management Keith JefferyPresident Harrie LalieuSecretary Geert van GrootelTreasurer Executives Anne AssersonStrategy / External Relations Barbara EbertConferences Ed SimonsWebsite Task Group Leaders Brigitte JoergCERIF Danica ZendulkovaCRIS-IR Sergey ParinovBest Practice / DRIS Nikos HoussosProjects David BakerCRIS Architecture and Development Miguel-Angel SiciliaLinked Open Data ELECTIONS FOR TERM 2013-2014: AUTUMN 2012

5 euroCRIS events Membership meetings (biannual; May & November) 5-6 November 2012: Madrid Strategic seminar (annual; September) 10th euroCRIS Strategic Seminar “Horizon 2020 and beyond” 10-11 September 2012: Brussels Conferences (biennial; May / June)

6 Members meeting November 2012 (1) Dates: 5-6 November 2012 Organisation: GrandIR, FECYT (Spanish Foundation for Science and Technology), euroCRIS) Venue: Residencia de Estudiantes, prominent cultural centre in the city of Madrid

7 Members meeting November 2012 (2) Programme Day 1 * Brief business meeting + CERIF Tutorial * National session (Spanish speakers already recruited) * Jostein Hauge session (euroCRIS) * Topic session (“Identifiers) Programme Day 2 * Parallel Task Group meetings & plenaries

8 Members meeting November 2012 (3) Recruitment of speakers for Jostein Hauge session and Topic session starts mid- June: euroCRIS Newsflashes and Website Registration and information at event website:

9 euroCRIS finances Financial situation: healthy but not wealthy * Current bank balance: c. 16,300 EUR (major payments for 2012 made) * Money for projects on savings account until payments have to be made Potential income from membership fees (100% payment) and donations: c. 31,000 EUR To date 60% of members has paid the annual fees; please check! (reminders will be sent)

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