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WHAT ENABLES SUCCESSFUL WORKPLACE LEARNING?. In your experiences of workplace learning, what has made a difference?

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2 In your experiences of workplace learning, what has made a difference?


4 Definition of workplace learning ‘the product of participation in social practice through - engagement in workplace activities, and - access to support and guidance’. Billett

5 Key findings about integrating practice experiences… (Billett) Experiences alone insufficient: need building on Importance of preparing trainees for experiences Importance of support during experiences Importance of helping them to connect experiences Trainees’ ‘readiness’ is key factor shaping their learning Incremental exposure to practice-based experience and progression

6 Limitations of learning through everyday practice (Billett) learning that is inappropriate (i.e. bad, unhelpful, wrong) lack of access to activities not understanding the goals for workplace performance lack of access to expert guidance – absence/ reluctance etc reluctance of workers to participate

7 Key principles (Billett) All workplace learning can be seen as an invitation to the learner to learn Learners generally have much more autonomy and input into where, when and whether learning takes place That invitation/ dialogue requires the input of the teacher and the learner… Environment crucially important, and is part of the ‘invitation’

8 A dynamic interaction…. Learner Environment Experience / content Construction of ‘knowledge’ Teacher

9 ‘ultimately workplace learning boils down to people showing a genuine interest in each other, their development as practitioners, and their patients’ (Teunissen)

10 Environment - Induction Teacher - Role modelling Learner - Learning needs Content - Lesson planning


12 summative CBD ES Report GP Training Case analysis Formative Reflective log PDP Competency areas Skills log

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