Satisfy Your Technical Curiosity Specialists Enterprise Desktop -

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1 Satisfy Your Technical Curiosity Specialists Enterprise Desktop -

2 Satisfy Your Technical Curiosity Software as a service: Microsoft SoftGrid Application Virtualisation and Streaming The data center has been virtualized. But desktops & applications remain a significant headache and expense for the enterprise: Deployment Availability & Accessibility Management Many costs are associated with the hard-coded connection between applications and operating systems. Desktop virtualization isolates applications from the operating systems

3 Satisfy Your Technical Curiosity Application Virtualization in Context Computing resources deployed in real-time based on immediate needs Virtual Applications Any application on any computer on-demand via network Virtual Hardware (Grid Computing) Can change its computing tasks in real-time Virtual Storage Storage and backup over the network Virtual Network Localizing dispersed resources Virtual Operating Systems Can be assigned to any hardware

4 Satisfy Your Technical Curiosity Virtual Real Virtual Host PC OSOS AppsApps UIUI Virtual System Multiple types of virtualization Host PC OSOS AppsApps UIUI Virtual Apps Host PC OSOS AppsApps UIUI Virtual Experience

5 Satisfy Your Technical Curiosity Host system has a base OS Lightweight OS environments reduce hardware dependence Multiple OSes can run on one system Cumbersome to manage over distributed networks OS images may still need to be managed Applications still need to be managed Virtual systems allow hardware independence Virtual Real Virtual Host PC OSOS AppsApps UIUI Virtual System

6 Satisfy Your Technical Curiosity Remote application access, centralized secure model User logs onto server-based apps App provisioning is instantaneous Requires network connectivity Some apps won’t run or scale poorly Significant server infrastructure requirements Virtual experience allow hardware independence Virtual Real Virtual Host PC OSOS AppsApps UIUI Virtual Experience

7 Satisfy Your Technical Curiosity Application is run in an isolated environment from the OS Allows for a single desktop image Allows for a single desktop image Provisioning, changing apps is easy Provisioning, changing apps is easy May require repackaging of apps May require repackaging of apps OS needs to be managed, patched OS needs to be managed, patched Typically requires Windows Typically requires Windows Virtual applications revolutionize deployment Virtual Real Virtual Host PC OSOS AppsApps UIUI Virtual Apps

8 Satisfy Your Technical Curiosity Microsoft Virtualization thoughts A complete set of virtualization products, from the data center to the desktop Server Virtualization Application Virtualization Desktop Virtualization Presentation Virtualization All assets – both virtual and physical – managed from a single platform

9 Satisfy Your Technical Curiosity Application Virtualization Explained Applications are virtualized per instance: Files (including System Files) RegistryFonts.ini COM objects Applications do not get installed or alter the operating system Yet tasks process locally on the host computer. …and inter-application communication can still take place.

10 Satisfy Your Technical Curiosity On-Demand Streaming of Virtual Apps Permission Based User clicks on desktop shortcuts – authentication, authorization and licensing checked every time users launch a SoftGrid application Centrally Served The first time the Server streams “just enough” code (20-40%) to client or TS machine. As more code is needed, it is dynamically delivered. Locally Executed App executes on desktop, laptop and/or Terminal Server, not on SoftGrid Server Cached for Performance App code is cached for repeat use – even without a network Disconnected Use Support Entire set of applications are cached for limited time before expiring

11 Satisfy Your Technical Curiosity Virtualization Starts with the Sequencer The Sequencer is a wizard-based tool that rapidly virtualizes applications without changing source code. Sequencer models an application’s configurations and dependencies then segments application code into a file Sequencer file is placed onto one or more SoftGrid servers for on-demand deployment to desktops, laptops or terminal servers. With 4.1, can sequence Office in less than 15 mins.

12 Satisfy Your Technical Curiosity Accelerate Application Availability Compress the steps associated with Application Packaging Package on one platform, run on many Eliminate installations and dramatically reduce compatibility testing Updates are now one file change on a server Terminations are one change to the management console With the SoftGrid application deployments and updates are dramatically accelerated. Once an application is virtualized, it can be deployed instantly to any and all global users on any client device from a central console.

13 Satisfy Your Technical Curiosity Flexible application deployment: Pre-cached to clients with traditional updates Pre-cached with dynamic updates Pure dynamic delivery Integrated reports and metering Integrated reports and metering Enterprise scale Enterprise scale Microsoft SoftGrid Architectural Overview

14 Satisfy Your Technical Curiosity SoftGrid & SMS/SCCM Capability Microsoft SMS Microsoft SMS Microsoft SoftGrid SoftGrid and SMS Bare Metal OS Deployment OS Updates/Service Packs OS Security Patches/Hotfixes Deployment of Core (locally installed) applications Patching/Upgrading Core (locally installed) apps Admin Provisioning of applications Remote Control of Clients Distributed Branch Architecture Intelligent Application Packaging (Sequencing) SystemGuard™ Application Virtualization On-Demand Application Streaming Package/Active Upgrade Roaming/Hotelling & Disaster Recovery Business Unit/ Self-Provisioning (requires ZeroTouch) Asset Management of locally installed and virtual apps

15 Satisfy Your Technical Curiosity Applications are automatically replicated Desktop and terminal server updated without installation User down time is reduced to minutes instead of hours/days With SoftGrid, applications can be replicated like other data, reducing the costs of synchronizing applications and user down time. Build Business Continuity for Applications

16 Satisfy Your Technical Curiosity The “SoftGrid” SoftGrid for Desktops supports Windows 2000, Windows XP and Windows Vista (as of 4.2) SoftGrid for Terminal Services supports Terminal Services Windows 2000 and Windows 2003 The same application can be used directly on the desktop or within a Terminal Services session or both. The “SoftGrid” – A generic grid of computing execution points where any user may access their applications, on-demand, without application pre-population or conflict. Streaming RDP

17 Satisfy Your Technical Curiosity Simplify & Accelerate OS Migrations The SoftGrid accelerates OS Migrations by reducing the dependencies and testing between applications and the operating system Elimination of application conflicts and testing accelerates migrations Virtualized applications can be deployed to variety of systems

18 Satisfy Your Technical Curiosity Application sequencing Software streaming Managing SoftGrid OS migration

19 Satisfy Your Technical Curiosity

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