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Presentation on theme: "HDF5."— Presentation transcript:

1 HDF5

2 Overview What is HDF5 Why use HDF5 Example of HDF5

3 HDF5? Hierarchical Data Format
Versatile, completely portable & no size limit Official support: C, C++, Fortran & Java Third-party support: Python (h5py), MATLAB, R and IDL Free!!!

4 Hierarchical Data Format?
Data is stored like files on a linux system Inside the file three basic types are used to organize and store the data

5 Hierarchical Data Format?
Data is stored like files on a unix system Opening a file puts you at the root directory

6 Hierarchical Data Format?
Data is stored like files on a unix system Groups are like directories and can be used to collect related information

7 Hierarchical Data Format?
Data is stored like files on a unix system Datasets are files in our system and store the vast majority of the data

8 Hierarchical Data Format?
Data is stored like files on a unix system Attributes store individual pieces of information

9 What was wrong with binary?
Binary data: + efficient storage - lacks portability (endianness, IDL!) - you need to know what is in it to read it - not human readable - read the whole file to read the last value

10 What was wrong with ASCII?
Binary data: + efficient storage - lacks portability (endianness, IDL!) - you need to know what is in it to read it - not human readable - read the whole file to read the last value ASCII data: + human readable - poor storage efficiency

11 What's the catch? HDF5: + efficient binary storage + portable format
+ printable structure + read any attribute or dataset independently + human readable output - small overhead, a download, some learning

12 HDF5 example (Python) – Open file
Creating an HDF5 file, creating the structure, looking at the file created. First create a file In Python everything now works off the file object, f >>> import h5py >>> import numpy as np >>> >>> f = h5py.File("mytestfile.hdf5", "w")

13 HDF5 ex. – Group creation Groups are explicitly created via create_group >>> import h5py >>> import numpy as np >>> >>> f = h5py.File("mytestfile.hdf5", "w") >>> grp = f.create_group("myfirstgroup”)

14 HDF5 ex. – Dataset creation
Datasets can then be stored in the group >>> import h5py >>> import numpy as np >>> >>> f = h5py.File("mytestfile.hdf5", "w") >>> grp = f.create_group("myfirstgroup") >>> dset1 = grp.create_dataset("myfirstdataset",(50,), dtype=‘i’)

15 HDF5 ex. – More creation Groups do not need to be explicitly created:
>>> import h5py >>> import numpy as np >>> >>> f = h5py.File("mytestfile.hdf5", "w") >>> grp = f.create_group("myfirstgroup") >>> dset1 = grp.create_dataset("myfirstdataset",(50,), dtype=‘i’) >>> dset2 = f.create_dataset("grp2/dataset2",(50,), dtype=‘f’) "

16 HDF5 ex. – Attribute creation
Attributes work in a similar way: >>> import h5py >>> import numpy as np >>> >>> f = h5py.File("mytestfile.hdf5", "w") >>> grp = f.create_group("myfirstgroup") >>> dset1 = grp.create_dataset("myfirstdataset",(50,), dtype=‘i’) >>> dset2 = f.create_dataset("grp2/dataset2",(50,), dtype=‘f’) >>> att1 = dset1.attrs[‘Number’] = 50 "

17 HDF5 ex. – Simple File >>> import h5py
>>> import numpy as np >>> >>> f = h5py.File("mytestfile.hdf5", "w") >>> grp = f.create_group("myfirstgroup") >>> dset1 = grp.create_dataset("myfirstdataset",(50,), dtype=‘i’) >>> dset2 = f.create_dataset("grp2/dataset2",(50,), dtype=‘f’) >>> att1 = dset1.attrs[‘Number’] = 50 >>> f.close() "

18 h5dump – Viewing your file
allows you to look at your file View the file structure: > h5dump –n mytestfile.hdf5 Look at a dataset: > h5dump –d /grp2/dataset2 mytestfile.hdf5 There are many more uses of h5dump . . .

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