Distance Learning Foundation With support from the U.S. Embassy RELO and TOT Public Company Limited Bangkok, Thailand.

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Presentation on theme: "Distance Learning Foundation With support from the U.S. Embassy RELO and TOT Public Company Limited Bangkok, Thailand."— Presentation transcript:

1 Distance Learning Foundation With support from the U.S. Embassy RELO and TOT Public Company Limited Bangkok, Thailand

2 Establishing a Culture of Achievement Planning for Success: Lesson Planning, Learning Styles & Teaching Strategies Session 6

3 Format of Today’s Session Via Questions and Brief Discussions Part I: Review concepts of the past session Part II: Share and discuss lessons, activities, & experiences from Session 5 Via Activities and Handouts Part III: Welcome new concepts; Continue with MI & Classroom Instruction Strategies Part IV: Apply to Sample Lesson Provided & Plan Ahead to Use for Real Lesson

4 A Few Reminders Please be an active participant with your fellow teachers during discussions and activities. More engagement = more ideas Please be ready to share your ideas with each site several times More ideas = more learning Please try to share your ideas if it is your first time in the session. More learning = more engagement

5 Reviewing Concepts On Intelligence & Homework 1) What are some characteristics of Bodily- Kinesthetic Intelligence? 2) How can your students strengthen this intelligence? (Describe an activity from your class.) 3) How can Multiple Intelligences be an important part of homework and practice? (Describe homework you have given to your class.) Let's review...

6 Reviewing Concepts On Intelligence & Homework 1) What are some characteristics of Bodily- Kinesthetic Intelligence? 2) How can your students strengthen this intelligence? Describe the type of students who demonstrate or have this intelligence. Describe an activity from your class. (BKK-Hua Hin-Nong Khai)

7 Reviewing Concepts On Intelligence & Homework 3) How can Multiple Intelligences be an important part of homework and practice? Describe homework you have given to your students that apply Multiple Intelligences. (Hua Hin-Nong Khai-BKK)

8 Reviewing Concepts With a Sample Lesson (Session 5) 1) How can you apply Bodily-Kinesthetic Intelligence from one of those sample lessons? From Upstream 5, pg. 77, Student Book From Access 3, pg. 103, Student Book OR 2) What kind of homework would you assign students based on that lesson? (Nong Khai-BKK-Hua Hin) 2 minutes

9 Opening Up Our Ears How did you know what they were? Can you guess what these six sounds are? With a partner, name one thing (from nature, animals, city life, home life, etc.) that another site has to produce a sound for. Example: “Tuk-tuk” Teachers from another site must then produce a sound of a tuk-tuk. (1 minute for prep)

10 Opening Up Our Ears Why did we do that activity? What skills were we developing? (any site)

11 What are some characteristics of Musical-Rhythmic Intelligence? (Any site)

12 Sensitivity to sounds in the surrounding environment Like studying with music in the background Able to reproduce a melody after hearing it once or a few times Responds to various sounds, tones, rhythms through facial expressions & body movement Love to make music Recognize instruments in a song or composition Mimic sounds, accents, speech patterns Musical-Rhythmic Intelligence

13 Vocal sounds & tones Tonal patterns Rapping Environmental sounds Singing/humming Musical-Rhythmic Intelligence Musical performance Musical “schemas” Some Classroom Tools What do you do in your classroom that applies this intelligence? (Hua Hin-BKK-Nong Khai)

14 Rapping About School Listen and watch Jaden Smith rap about his school. Listen for some of the things he and his friends do at the school. List at least two in your handout (A). (Nong Khai-BKK-Hua Hin)

15 Rapping About YOUR School or... With a partner or in small groups, write & perform a short rap (3-4 lines) that describes what you and your students do at your school. OR... Write & perform a short rap about your experience at DLF. (BKK-Hua Hin-Nong Khai)

16 Rapping Think & Respond Why did we do that activity? What skills were we developing? (any site)

17 Applying Musical-Rhythmic: Sample Lesson 1 Refer to your binder for tools applying this intelligence. Also think about what you already do in your classrooms. From Access 2, pg. 29, Student Book How can you apply this intelligence using the lessons from this page? 2 minutes (Hua Hin-Nong Khai-BKK)

18 Applying Musical-Rhythmic: Sample Lesson 2 From Say Hello 5, pg. 53, Student Book How can you apply this intelligence using the lessons from this page? 2 minutes (Nong Khai-BKK-Hua Hin)

19 More Review On Feedback What kind of feedback do you give to your students after checking their homework? Why is feedback important? 2 minutes What are your opinions about giving written feedback? How effective is it for your students? What do you think about peer feedback?

20 Research to Discuss On Feedback, Part 1 Feedback should be “corrective” in nature. The best feedback involves an explanation of what is accurate/inaccurate Feedback should be timely. Feedback given immediately after a test-like situation is best. The more delay, the less improvement. Your thoughts & opinions on either point?

21 Research to Discuss On Feedback, Part 2 Feedback should be specific to a criterion. The most useful feedback refers to a specific level of skill or knowledge of the student. Students can effectively provide some of their own feedback. Students can monitor their own progress via a chart/record and self-evaluation. Your thoughts & opinions on either point?

22 Applying Feedback For You & Your Peers What is your feedback on your own performance during this DLF series? Now think about your colleagues & peers. What is your feedback on their performance during this DLF series? (BKK-Hua Hin-Nong Khai)

23 Final Activity Meaning of Achievement & Success Pick one of the quotations from Handout B. Explain why you agree or disagree with it. Create your own quotation on any of these themes: teaching, learning, success, achievement


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