Claudia AchatschitzGEOGERAS '061 Preference Based Spatial Decision Support A dialogue based spatial query Claudia Achatschitz Institute for Geoinformation.

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Presentation on theme: "Claudia AchatschitzGEOGERAS '061 Preference Based Spatial Decision Support A dialogue based spatial query Claudia Achatschitz Institute for Geoinformation."— Presentation transcript:

1 Claudia AchatschitzGEOGERAS '061 Preference Based Spatial Decision Support A dialogue based spatial query Claudia Achatschitz Institute for Geoinformation and Cartography TU Vienna

2 Claudia AchatschitzGEOGERAS '062 Problem

3 Claudia AchatschitzGEOGERAS '063 Problem 1) User preferences are not considered 2) More than 7 +/- 2 elements

4 Claudia AchatschitzGEOGERAS '064 Overview Tourist Information Systems Decisions Human Computer Interaction Current Question Dialogue based spatial query Conclusion and Future Work

5 Claudia AchatschitzGEOGERAS '065 Information Systems Two extremes: Huge amount of information No relevant information at all Recurring opportunities to set preferences Preferences and priorities should be considered Improving the interaction process Information System

6 Claudia AchatschitzGEOGERAS '066 Decision Making Process Information Systems Goal of decision Alternatives Selection Strategy – Risky, risk less decision strategies – rational decision strategies – Static / dynamic –Linear / cyclic Decisions

7 Claudia AchatschitzGEOGERAS '067 Cyclic/dynamic Decision Is there really a structured decision process? Do we pass through the same process many times until we come to a decision? (Henry Mintzberg, 2001) Dynamic: Factors change as the process moves on Cyclic: Decision Maker can go through the same steps again and again until he can make a final decision. Information Systems Decisions

8 Claudia AchatschitzGEOGERAS '068 Current Question Is it possible that the user transmits a model of himself to the information system? What tools are therefore available to the user? Is there an approach that fits my decision problem best? Interactions Information Systems Decisions

9 Claudia AchatschitzGEOGERAS '069 User Assistance User Interface Agents – operating parallel to the user, try to retrieve information (Daniel D’Aloisi, 1995) INTERFACE AGENT EXTERNAL AGENT INTERAL AGENT USER Query Retrieved Data Interactions Information Systems Decisions

10 Claudia AchatschitzGEOGERAS '0610 User Assistance Plan recognition – observation of user action – plan inference (Sandra Carberry 2000, Neil Lesh, 1997). GOAL USER Action Observation of Action Interactions Information Systems Decisions

11 Claudia AchatschitzGEOGERAS '0611 User Assistance Dynamic Queries – user formulates query through graphical widgets (Ben Shneiderman 1998) Database is represented in a graphical way (Christopher Ahlberg et al. 1995) USER 0 100 Interactions Information Systems Decisions

12 Claudia AchatschitzGEOGERAS '0612 Dialogue Based Spatial Query Collaboration User provides information actively Dialogue based approach combined with direct manipulation interface approach –Dialogue – establishes preferences –Direct Manipulation interface USER 0 100 Interactions Information Systems Decisions Feedback Loop

13 Claudia AchatschitzGEOGERAS '0613 Dialogue Based Spatial Query Conversation metaphor – System and user perform a conversation User directly manipulates the interface and sets preferences Changing preferences will lead to a revision of the presented information Feed back loop User has the tools create a user model of himself Interactions Information Systems Decisions

14 Claudia AchatschitzGEOGERAS '0614 A goal exists Available alternatives determine the preferences a user can state. Preferences support or restrict the achievement of a goal User preferences are factors that the user is aware of and is able to influence. Dialogue Based Spatial Query Interactions Information Systems Decisions

15 Claudia AchatschitzGEOGERAS '0615 Dialogue Based Spatial Query Interaction process determines the user’s preferences and the user model Interactions Information Systems Decisions

16 Claudia AchatschitzGEOGERAS '0616 Conclusions & Future Work Different approaches model human computer interaction process. Important – Support the paradigm of data retrieval which is based on the users desires an not on the available data sources Information Systems Decisions Conclusion & Future Work Interactions

17 Claudia AchatschitzGEOGERAS '0617 Dialogue based spatial query approach provides the user with tools to determine a user model including his preferences. Supports the dynamic and cyclic character of a decision making process. Information relevant to the user’s question is displayed Conclusions & Future Work Information Systems Decisions Conclusion & Future Work Interactions

18 Claudia AchatschitzGEOGERAS '0618 Conclusions & Future Work Further investigation considering the interaction process Formalizing the dialogue based spatial query Investigate interface design Create an interface for that query Relaunch of the campground example Information Systems Decisions Conclusion & Future Work Interactions

19 Claudia AchatschitzGEOGERAS '0619 Thank you!

20 Claudia AchatschitzGEOGERAS '0620 PHD Hypothesis Data sets have to be included into the spatial decision making process iff they describe facts that appear in the users utility function.

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