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Banned Substances Kale Hintz,Shelby Hohnholt, Alex Stepanek, Timothy von Behren.

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Presentation on theme: "Banned Substances Kale Hintz,Shelby Hohnholt, Alex Stepanek, Timothy von Behren."— Presentation transcript:

1 Banned Substances Kale Hintz,Shelby Hohnholt, Alex Stepanek, Timothy von Behren

2 What are banned substances? Can you name a few?

3 Caffeine What is it?

4 Caffeine Effects Regulation

5 Should caffeine be considered a performance enhancing drug?

6 Creatine and L-tryphtophan Law of Hormesis 3rd Party Tested n=1 (the solution to confounding data)

7 Is it magic? Should creativity be celebrated in professional sport?

8 Steroids ● What are steroids? ● History ● Affects ● What leagues/organizations ban steroids? ● Why are steroids banned?

9 Should steroids be allowed in sports? Are there any sports in which steroids are banned that you believe is unnecessary?

10 Blood Doping “The misuse of certain techniques and/or substances to increase one’s red blood cell mass, which allows the body to transport more oxygen to muscles and therefore increase stamina and performance” (WADA, 2011).

11 Blood Transfusions

12 Lance Armstrong

13 Should Blood doping be allowed? Very hard to test for Very prevalent in professional competition Could it be regulated to create an even playing field? Can a test be created to test for it?

14 Why are there regulations on what you can take to improve your performance? Is it fair that some organizations allow substances that others may not? Discussion

15 What do you believe about banned substances? What do you think of the level playing field theory? What substances do you support banning and which do you not? Why?

16 Works Cited Butterworth, T. (2012). The Kafkaesque Trial of Lance Armstrong: A Former Fedral Prosecutor On the US Anti-Doping Agency's Disregard For Due Process. Forbes. Mattson, M. (2008). Hormesis Defined. NIH Magnay, J. (2008, August 2). Russia faces IOC action over drugs. Retrieved 2014, from faces-ioc-action-over-drugs/2008/08/01/1217097535147.html Montoya, E. et al. (2012) Testosterone, cortisol, and serotonin as key regulators of social agression: A review and theoretical perspective. Motivation and Emotion. USADA. (2012). Statement From USADA CEO Travis T. Tygart Regarding The U.S. Postal Service Pro Cycling Team Doping Conspiracy. USADA. WADA. (2011, September). World Anti-Doping Agency play true. (W. 2014, Editor, & WADA, Lightmaker) Retrieved April 23, 2014, from www.wada- Thurston, J. (n.d.). Chemical Warfare: Battling Steroids in Athletics. Retrieved January 28, 2015, from ACSM, Teach PE, 2014, USA Today, NCAA and other leagues monitering energy drinks, 2014, monitoring-energy-drink-use/51557618/1 g

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