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Eglise de la Brie From vision to reality … Building project Eric Furter – Financial & Admin Director FM TRUST UK – French Day – 28th of September 2013.

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Presentation on theme: "Eglise de la Brie From vision to reality … Building project Eric Furter – Financial & Admin Director FM TRUST UK – French Day – 28th of September 2013."— Presentation transcript:

1 Eglise de la Brie From vision to reality … Building project Eric Furter – Financial & Admin Director FM TRUST UK – French Day – 28th of September 2013

2 From vision to reality … Even if the church is not the building, « our building adventure » represented and still represents an important step for our growth, for our faith, either as an individual, either as a group … A growth, a construction brick by brick …

3 From vision to reality … 2008 2010 Jan 2011 May 2011 : Kick-off of the « Building Committee » « First gatherings » in Lorenzo & Marie-Alice Monge’s Living-room ! BiDieuDul in the « former catholic presbytery » of Solers # BiDieuDul in the village hall of Solers # Celebrations in one attendee’s house … More than 3h of unpacking & set-up (3 pers) 2h to dismantle & pack … … There is not any income as we don’t organize any offering …

4 From vision to reality … the Building Committee holds its first meeting May 2011 : Kick-off of the « Building Committee » Sep 2011 The Building Committee holds its first meeting to present the vision, the dream … to « the part of the church ready to hear about giving» … no more than 8 families at this time !

5 From vision to reality … Sep 2011 The message was that « We, Building Committee members, we are ready to jump … But are we going to be alone or all together ? »

6 From vision to reality … Sep 2011 We were not alone ! 350 EUR/month We received the first tithing commitments !

7 From vision to reality … the Building Committee holds its first meeting Sep 2011 Research were on-going God closed some doors … And it was a good thing ! And He finally let us find « our » building ! Feb 2012 Sale agreement signature

8 From vision to reality … Some people were not that encouraging : « You have very little chance to get a bank loan in these times, but « G o ahead, it will be a good exercise for all you ! " » Feb 2012 Signature Promesse De vente

9 From vision to reality … June 2012 A real « finance miracle » ! FMM could and agreed to grant us a loan of 90 K.EUR – zero interest – 6 years period. We obtained a bank loan (290 K.EUR) … despite a crisis time We got the 95 K.EUR necessary for the downpayment + first works. 1 month before the dead line, 29 000 EUR were missing !

10 From vision to reality … We got the keys ! Feb 2012 Signature Promesse De vente 29th of June 2012 You were part of it ! 398 050 £

11 29 th of June 2012 : we got the keys !

12 Summer 2012 A summer 2012 full of dust, sweat and laughs !

13 Summer 2012 Support from 13 volonteers from USA

14 Summer 2012

15 15 th of September 2012

16 « D-1 » before 1st gathering in auditorium … REALITY !

17 Faith … Our vision became reality ! Having faith, believing in Jesus, does not mean we are off in the clouds ! When God does the impossible, Let’s not forget that it is ony HIM who performs miracles ! Let’s thank God for this !

18 Finance status Mensual tithes are increasing An average of 1 856 EUR / month 1558 £ / month

19 Budget 2013 2013-2014 close to the balance BUT without considering the « big works » The 5 following years will be a bit more difficult ??

20 « Big works » PARKING20 000 EUR Entrance hall – Lobby Accessibility 20 000 EUR Miscellaneous : Smoke detectors, Septic sysetem … 10 500 EUR 58 500 EUR 49 020 £ TOTAL Fence along the green yard 8 000 EUR

21 « Big works » We already got 28 000 EUR 23 460 £ Current need 30 500 EUR 25 560 £ 58 500 EUR 49 020 £

22 Last words Thank you again for your support : Finance Communication prayers God bless you ! Nous vous aimons !


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