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Krystyna Skotniczny & Agnieszka Stus Ancient Times.

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1 Krystyna Skotniczny & Agnieszka Stus Ancient Times

2 Ancient Greece always aroused interest and inspired people. These interests were the effects of cultural, historical and civilization achievements. When we look closer at these achievements, we can see that they don’t differ much from the contemporary culture. The way of life is also similar. Ancient Greece

3 Girls had to do exactly as their father told them and this included marrying the man their father chose for them. Even married women was not free. She had to do as her husband told her. She was not allowed to go out on her own and was not often seen by people other than her own family. Marriage

4 Women and girls who lived in Athens weren’t free as modern women. Their only responsibility were to look after the house and make clothes. Women in Athens were taught skills necesary to run home such as cooking and weaving. They were expected to look after home, make clothes, and bring up children. Women

5 Men had a much better life in Ancient Greece than women. Only men could be full citizens. Only men made the important decisions. Normally, only men fought in armies, took part in sports and took part in the public life. Men

6 Women were expected to carry out all the duties by herself only in the poorest homes. Generally every home had female slaves who cooked, cleaned and collected fresh water every day. There were also male slaves. Their responsibilities included protecting the house and tutoring male children. Slaves

7 In ancient Greece, theatre was a really big deal. Crowds of 15,000 people would gather to see a play. Theatre was so important to the ancient Greeks that prisoners would be released from jail temporarily, so they could also attend. Because so many people came to see the plays, the Greeks built huge outdoor theatres on hillsides, so that people could be seated in a way that let them see what was going on down in the orchestra pit - the stage area. Greek’s Theatre

8 Greek boys played games like hockey, which was not part of the Olympic Games. The Ancient Greek boys usually played games naked, so girls were forbidden to watch. Ancient Greek women and girls were not expected to do much physical activity for recreation purposes. Sport

9 Food was very important in everyday life. Hospitality was considered one of the most important virtues, and men willingly took part in the feasts. Food was also treated in a religious way. It was often sacrificed to the gods. Wine was the most valued drink in Greece. (Grapes were picked usually around September and were kept either for eating purposes or made ​​ into wine.) During the feasting the participants of the feasts entertained themselves by playing the arcade game called kottabos. As a reward, the player received the fruit, cakes, necklaces, or a girl’s kiss. Feasts

10 Greek Houses, generally, were rather modest. The walls were made of crude bricks dried in the sun, rarely they were plastered. Tiny windows had no window panes, but they had the wooden shutters. The roofs were sometimes covered with terracotta tiles, but more often there was a roof terrace, where in summer you could sleep in the open air. The water was brought in the pipes.You entered Home trought the door above witch there was a tiny roof, decorated with small columns. The main room was located opposite the entrance of the house and it was a large chamber, where the family life took place. Home

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