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Come, everyone, and join with us in rousing songs of praise. Sing out the honour of God’s name for all his glorious ways. Say to our God, “How awesome,

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Presentation on theme: "Come, everyone, and join with us in rousing songs of praise. Sing out the honour of God’s name for all his glorious ways. Say to our God, “How awesome,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Come, everyone, and join with us in rousing songs of praise. Sing out the honour of God’s name for all his glorious ways. Say to our God, “How awesome, Lord, are you in all you do. Your enemies cringe down in fear, then rise to worship you.” [Sing to the Lord 66]

2 2. O come and see what God has done among the sons of men. He turned the sea to solid ground – let us rejoice in him. God rules forever by his might and his all-seeing eye. Let not the proud, rebellious ones exalt themselves on high.

3 3. Come, everyone, and join with us in rousing songs of praise to God, who safely holds our lives; our feet he guides always. O God, you tried and tested us as silver tried by flame. You brought us low through fire and flood, but then your blessing came.

4 4. With gratitude and of-fer-ings I come into your house, for when I was in trouble, Lord, I spoke to you my vows. I bring you now burnt of-fer-ings of fatlings from my herd; I offer you my gift of thanks, because I gave my word.

5 5. Come, everyone who loves the Lord, hear what he did for me. My cry for help has turned to praise, for he has set me free. If in my heart I’d cherished sin, God would have turned away. But he has listened to my cry; he answers when I pray.

6 Sing to the Lord 66 Text: Projected with permission, August 2010, Marie J. Post, 1985, Psalter Hymnal, © Faith Alive Christian Resources, 1987, alt. Tune: English traditional; adapt. Arthur S. Sullivan, 1874 6. Praise be to God, who hears my prayer and answers my request. His steadfast love surrounds my days; his name be ever blest. Come, everyone, and join with us in rousing songs of praise. Sing out the honour of God’s name for all his glorious ways.

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