European Commission Implementing flexicurity in times of crisis Lifelong learning: matching skills and labour market needs on the path to recovery Prague,

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Presentation on theme: "European Commission Implementing flexicurity in times of crisis Lifelong learning: matching skills and labour market needs on the path to recovery Prague,"— Presentation transcript:

1 European Commission Implementing flexicurity in times of crisis Lifelong learning: matching skills and labour market needs on the path to recovery Prague, 25 March 2009 Robert Strauss, DG EMPL. D2 European Employment Strategy, CSR, Local Development

2 European Commission Directorate-General Employment, Social Affairs and Equal Opportunities 2 Lifelong learning/skills policies: in crisis  Necessity of lifelong learning as part of flexicurity in crisis.  Employment security maximised by equipping workers with the right skills.  Investment in human capital to train and retrain people key but in crisis heigthened need to match skills with available jobs in short term.  Most vulnerable first and hardest hit. Such people need to have better skills as part of personalised active inclusive plans.

3 European Commission Directorate-General Employment, Social Affairs and Equal Opportunities 3 Lifelong learning pays off: longer term benefits  Lifelong learning, the right skills for: demographic ageing; globalisation and technological change; moves to a low carbon economy.  Reacting to lay-offs: safeguarding and reinforcing skills for available jobs but also future, new, jobs.

4 European Commission

5 Directorate-General Employment, Social Affairs and Equal Opportunities 5 Lifelong learning in practice: enhancing the role of employment services and social partners  PES key role: identify skills needs of redundant workers, provide re-skilling for unemployed.  PES should establish long term co-operation with employers, trade unions and other employment agencies to ensure a better delivery of services.  Commission to develop “Match and Map”, complementing information on short term market developments in Monthly Monitoring Report.

6 European Commission „The rapid increase of unemployment is a cause of great concern…. Stimulating employment, in particular by promoting the acquistion of the new skills required by new jobs, is also a priority…. Particular attention should be given to the most vulnerable and to new risks of exclusion. The Employment Summit to be held in May 2009…. will examine in particular issues such as maintainting employment levels through flexicurity and mobility, upgrading skills and anticipating labour market needs.“ 19 March 2009 European Council Conclusions Conclusions

7 European Commission Directorate-General Employment, Social Affairs and Equal Opportunities 7 Thank you for your attention

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