MINERAL NUTRITION & PLANT DISEASE & PESTS Resistant phenomena : 1. Anatomy (eg. Thicker epidermal cells, higher degree of lignification)

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Presentation on theme: "MINERAL NUTRITION & PLANT DISEASE & PESTS Resistant phenomena : 1. Anatomy (eg. Thicker epidermal cells, higher degree of lignification)"— Presentation transcript:

1 MINERAL NUTRITION & PLANT DISEASE & PESTS Resistant phenomena : 1. Anatomy (eg. Thicker epidermal cells, higher degree of lignification)

2 2. Physiology & Biochemistry (Production = of repelling substance & synthesis of toxins ; phytoalexins) 3. Escape from attack (not synchronize development)

3 General role of nutrient “Balanced” nutrient supply which ensures optimal plant growth is also considered optimal for plant resistance.

4 1. Fungal disease 1.1 Principle of infection Plant exudate promote spore germination on leaf & root (air - & soil borne) Exudate depend on cellular concentration & membrane permeability

5 Sugar & amino acid K deficient Amino acid & amide N excessive Phenol accumulation N, B & Cu deff. Ca +2 inhibit function of proteolytic enzyme from fungi to dissolve middle lamella Si increase lignification of epidermal cell layer N & K effect depend on type of parasite

6 Ca 1) increase stability of membrane Ca efflux of sugar from cytoplasm apoplasm more severe infection 2) Ca - pectate & middle lamella stability & inhibit proteolytic enzyme of fungi

7 2. Bacteria & Viral disease Bacteria Leaf spot diseases Soft rots Vascular diseases Leaf spot diseases infect through stomata & multiply in the intercellular space K & Ca deficient enhance infection

8 Soft rots infect through wounds and produce proteolytic enzyme Wound cork formation inhibit infection & increase formation when K sufficient B deficient causes cracking Ca inhibit proteolytic enzyme

9 Vascular disease plug vessel of xylem then causes “wilt” “bacterial wilt” Viral diseases need amino acid & nucleotides excessive N, P & K reduce severity of N deficient in plant due to nutrient competition between virus & plant cells

10 3. Soilborne Fungal & Bacterial Diseases Protection Diseases Protection Chemical barriers (Polyphenol) Physical barriers (Sillicon in endodermis) pH adjustment and fungal growth Mn, Ca application NH 4 + & NO 3 - base fertilizer & pH Ammonia toxic to Fusarium Nitrite (NO 2 ) toxic to Pythium & Phytophthora The End

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