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Dissent Persecution “A City on a Hill”. Puritans and Pilgrims  “Scrooby Separatists” – dissenters - go to Holland to live a more “pure” life on the ship.

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Presentation on theme: "Dissent Persecution “A City on a Hill”. Puritans and Pilgrims  “Scrooby Separatists” – dissenters - go to Holland to live a more “pure” life on the ship."— Presentation transcript:

1 Dissent Persecution “A City on a Hill”

2 Puritans and Pilgrims  “Scrooby Separatists” – dissenters - go to Holland to live a more “pure” life on the ship “Speedwell”.  Dutch influence pollutes their purity & they leave for England again.  1620 they combine with Indentured Servants headed for Virginia on the “Mayflower”, but are forced to land at Plymouth, (now Massachusettes).

3 Mayflower Compact  No legal right to be in Massachusettes  Fellow travellers not all as “pious” as the Pilgrims. Concern they would not follow the law of England.  Civil Government formed – loyalty to the King.  Laws established by majority vote – Landmark document of democratic government.

4 Persecuted Puritans  John Winthrop forms Joint Stock Company by a “Royal Charter” – King’s authority to be in America  Massachussettes Bay Colony established with about 1000 settlers, well planned & supplied. A true Puritan community… A City Upon a Hill…all in England would want to imitate. Life would center around the church and its authority.

5 Church Controls Community  “Well ordered” families…God fearing citizens.  Close connection between church “elect” and government officials who watched family life.  Property distributed by church.  Only church members and male property owners could vote.


7 Dissenters in the Community  Roger Williams Believed Natives should be paid for land taken, and religious freedom should be tolerated. Founded Providence, Rhode Island Anne Hutchinson Believed people could interpret the Bible for themselves & didn’t need the church officials.

8 Native American Wars  Pequot Wars….King Phillip’s War  Constant disputes over land and expansion  Basic misunderstanding about land ownership  Mistrust resulted from broken treaties & swindles  Bloody wars killed thousands

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