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French Cuisine Samuel J. Brookbank English IV Mrs. Kathy Saunders.

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Presentation on theme: "French Cuisine Samuel J. Brookbank English IV Mrs. Kathy Saunders."— Presentation transcript:

1 French Cuisine Samuel J. Brookbank English IV Mrs. Kathy Saunders

2 Origin of Cuisine Literally means kitchen –First known use: 1786 Derives from Late Latin coquina

3 French Cuisine Why did I choose French Cuisine? –Important to learn first –Basis of most culinary aspects –Food Network shows

4 History Late 1700’s –Most citizens were peasants –Mainly ate breads & cheeses Early 1800’s –Upper class of citizens emerged –Elaborately laid-out banquets –Used thick, heavily seasoned sauces

5 Modern Cuisine Lighter, relatively easy to prepare Garnishing –Used to make the dish visually appealing

6 Product: French Desserts Raspberry Vanilla Crème Brulée Walnut Covered Brownies with Chocolate Ganache Relativity to research –Uses common cooking methods/ingredients Caramelization Garnishing

7 Raspberry Vanilla Crème Brulée Whisk 6 egg yolks and ½ cup sugar Bring 2 cups heavy cream + 2tbsp vanilla to boil Mix the cream and egg yolk mixture Put raspberries in small soufflé dishes Gently pour custard into 4-6 small soufflé dishes Let set up in refrigerator for 6 hours Put 1 tbsp sugar on top and caramelize with torch

8 Chocolate Ganache Bring heavy cream to boil Add chocolate slowly –Stir constantly with whisk buddy/&usg=__CmB4uZndzIYMKSomkjNYa8Xek1o=&h=399&w=600&sz=143&hl=en&start=1&zoom=1&um=1&itbs=1&tbnid=n__ROU6kHXkcGM:&tbnh=90&tbnw=135&prev=/image s%3Fq%3Dganache%26um%3D1%26hl%3Den%26tbs%3Disch:1

9 Mentor Blaine Moore –Chef at Nobles Grille for 3 yearsNobles Grille –Chef at Bonefish Grill for 1 yearBonefish Grill

10 French Desserts Hours spent with mentor: 17.5 hours Meeting with my mentor helped me: –Learn in a hands on matter –Help me learn from mistakes

11 Obstacles & Facts Time management –Finding times we didn’t have to work –Working late Cooking can be a challenge Old and Modern cuisines are very different

12 Q & A Thanks for your time! Any questions?

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