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Planning and Commissioning Intentions

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Presentation on theme: "Planning and Commissioning Intentions"— Presentation transcript:

1 Planning and Commissioning Intentions
South Tyneside Clinical Commissioning Group

2 Aim of Presentation To share information with our stakeholders and partners on Vision and values Planning for next two years Integrated Transformation Fund Our current position Areas of work and case for change

3 Vision and Values

4 The Organisations South Tyneside Foundation Trust
The hospital in South Shields, delivers services in the hospital such as A&E, operations, outpatients appointment and community services CCG hold a contract and purchase services North East Ambulance Service Emergency ambulances / patient transport / paramedics Public Health Based in the local authority, role is about improving health of people in South Tyneside Links with the CCG through the Health and Wellbeing Board

5 Call to Action messages:
71% of people in Britain agree the NHS is one of the best in the world How can we improve the quality of NHS care? How can we meet everyone’s healthcare needs? How can we maintain financial sustainability? What must we do to build an excellent NHS now and for future generations?

6 Local challenges Health inequalities Life expectancy gap
High levels of heart disease, cancer, COPD Increasing long term conditions Ageing population Over reliance on hospital services Ensure best quality services Growing A&E pressures

7 What do we need to do? Plan locally with Health and Wellbeing Board and partners to consider how we address challenges CCG 5 year strategy refresh CCG 2 year plan First draft January To be published in April Year 1 will include Commissioning Intentions for 14/15

8 Integrated Transformation Fund
£3.8bn pooled budget in 2015/16 Based on joint CCG/LA plans signed off by Health and Wellbeing Boards Plans must deliver on national conditions £1bn of £3.8bn ‘payment by performance’ Work in progress – CCG, LA and partners

9 Current Position Writing our two year detailed plan
Year one forms our 14/15 Commissioning Intentions Engaging with stakeholders, eg through LEB, local meetings, CAFs NHS Operating Framework and financial allocations to follow mid December Note for presenter Jarrow and Boldon CAF have asked if the Forum could be advised as part of the presentation what the relationship between CCG, public health, Foundation Trust and NEAS etc

10 Programmes of Work Quality at the heart of all the programmes of work
Planned care Cancer Prescribing Urgent care Long term conditions End of life Mental health Learning disabilities Quality at the heart of all the programmes of work

11 Programmes of Work More detailed information in available booklet
Sets out: Why is change needed? How do we want the future to look? Detail of proposed schemes

12 Schemes include Child and adolescent mental health services (CAMHS)
Commissioning extra capacity in the system Children will be seen more quickly Service available to a wider group of children

13 Schemes include Urgent care hub
Integrated hub in one place for all unplanned care needs – single access with triage to right care with right practitioner to meet patients’ needs Eg, minor injuries, primary care and emergencies

14 Schemes include End of life
Tailored training for care homes – to improve quality of care delivered to end of life patients Support for GP practices in developing best practice for end of life care

15 Schemes include Integrated community teams including nursing and social care which work together to jointly meet the patients’ needs Self care implemented on a wide scale via successful Pioneer Bid in partnership with LA and South Tyneside NHS Foundation Trust

16 Thank you Any questions?

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