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Presentation on theme: "Minerals."— Presentation transcript:

1 Minerals

2 What is a mineral? Naturally occurring  NOT man-made
Inorganic  does NOT coming from living things or things that were once alive Solid Crystal structure  a repeating pattern of particles that create flat sides and sharp edges and corners Definite chemical composition  always contain certain elements in definite proportions (ie: Quartz = 1 atom of silicon for ever 2 atoms of oxygen)

3 Identifying Minerals Color Malachite is always GREEN
Azurite is always BLUE

4 Streak – the color of its powder; can be different than the minerals color
Pyrite – gold color; green/black streak Gold – gold color; golden yellow streak

5 Luster – describes how light is reflected from a mineral’s surface
Waxy/Greasy/ Pearly Earthy Metallic Silky Glassy

6 Density – how much mass is “squeezed” into a certain amount of space
Hardness – Moh’s hardness scale

7 Cleavage – when a mineral splits easily along a flat surface
Mica Fracture – when a mineral breaks apart in an irregular way Quartz

8 Special properties (p.122):
Fluorescence Reactivity Optical properties Magnetism Electrical Properties

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