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The Congress of Vienna.

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Presentation on theme: "The Congress of Vienna."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Congress of Vienna

2 What was the Congress of Vienna?
A series of meetings in Vienna Establish long-lasting peace and stability on the European continent after the defeat of Napoleon

3 Five Great Powers Russia Prussia Austria Great Britain France
Klemens von Metternich Austria Most influential man at the meeting

4 Metternich’s Goals Prevent future French aggression by surrounding France with stronger countries Restore a balance of power – no country would be a threat to others Legitimacy - Restore Europe’s royal families to the thrones that Napoleon had taken over

5 Why was the Congress of Vienna considered a success?
Peace lasted for 40 years Involved cooperation of nations of the entire continent – came up with a fair punishment Created a new balance of power in Europe

6 Conservative Europe Holy Alliance – pledged to base their relations with other nations on Christian principles in order to combat the forces of revolution Concert of Europe – nations would help one another if future revolutions broke out Conservatives (those who like tradition) were in control once again, however, new ideas about democracy and rights were spreading fast

7 Long Term Legacy The long-term legacy of the Congress of Vienna stated that foreign control will only lead to calls for revolution Democracy is the best way to ensure equality and justice for all

8 The Vienna Settlement Balance of power Stability Problems of the peace
Redrew map (containment) Stability “legitimate” monarchs Problems of the peace New map creates enemies (nationalism) Looking Ahead Nationalism remained a powerful force Nationalism – loyalty to a nation and want it to be best!

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