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Aim Better health and better healthcare for everyone.

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Presentation on theme: "Aim Better health and better healthcare for everyone."— Presentation transcript:

1 Aim Better health and better healthcare for everyone

2 Inspect Inform Improve what has commissioning got to do with it? Fiona Ritchie 9 th December 2008

3 What does it take to change? With so many situations of abuse, neglect and poor care in provider services how do we change, how do we get truly person- centred services and support?

4 What about the commissioning process? Joint Commissioning review: CSCI and MHAC and HC first review of its kind and we are doing it together as equal partners. This review focuses on how person centred the commissioning practice is for people with learning disabilities and complex needs. New methodology may inform the new CQC.

5 What about the commissioning process? The review focuses on whole areas not just services. The 9 areas are:

6 What about the commissioning process? Review teams of 6 people working as virtual teams

7 What about the commissioning process? Main areas of joint commissioning review:  Day in the life of… Spending time with 5 individuals (per area) with complex needs for the day  Mystery shopper People with learning disabilities going into the community to find out what is it like to live in the area if you have a learning disability and complex need  Focus groups 6 focus groups,family carers, advocacy groups, providers, general health, community teams, day opportunities  Interviews with specific staff i.e. joint commissioners, directors of public health, directors in local authorities  Public open session Open to any person who will not be in a focus group or interview  Good practice Asking for 4 things commissioners have done that they are proud of. The teams will visit 2 of these.

8 Progress all site visits are now complete all local reports have been written and are in various states of being quality assured an evaluation of the methodology is underway development days are being organised for the 9 sites through Valuing People

9 Next Steps each organisation receives a report; they have 8 weeks to write an action plan Strategic Health Authorities will be responsible for monitoring the health parts of the action plans and CSCI/CQC will monitor the councils action plans national report published looking at trends across the 9 areas and will highlight good practice, report due end of March 09

10 What does it take to change? With so many situations of abuse, neglect and poor care in provider services how do we change, how do we get truly person centred services and support? Staff truly believe in letting go of power Commissioners know what good support and care looks like and buy it regulators check in a person centred way

11 Thank you Fiona Ritchie Lead Learning disabilities

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