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Epidemiology and Statistics in Public; Health Indicators Osama A Samarkandi, PhD, RN BSc, GMD, BSN, MSN, NIAC EMS 313; Public Health for EMS Professionals.

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Presentation on theme: "Epidemiology and Statistics in Public; Health Indicators Osama A Samarkandi, PhD, RN BSc, GMD, BSN, MSN, NIAC EMS 313; Public Health for EMS Professionals."— Presentation transcript:

1 Epidemiology and Statistics in Public; Health Indicators Osama A Samarkandi, PhD, RN BSc, GMD, BSN, MSN, NIAC EMS 313; Public Health for EMS Professionals Class III; Oct. 15, 2014

2 (Fertility & Morbidity) Rate Fertility: Crude Birth Rate (CBR) - Overall total reported births, Morbidity-Illnesses affecting the population group Incidence Rate (IR): reported new cases affecting the population group Prevalence Rate (PR): determine sum total of new + old cases of diseases per percent population

3 Mortality Rate Mortality-Reports causes of deaths Crude Death Rate (CDR)-overall total reported death Maternal Mortality Rate (MMR)-maternal deaths due to maternal causes Infant Mortality Rate (IMR)-# of infant deaths (0-12 months) or less than 1 year old Neonatal Mortality Rate (NMR)-# of deaths among neonates (newborn 0-28 days, < 1 month) Swaroops Index (SI)-deaths among individual in the age group of 50 and above

4 Crude Birth Rate (CBR)

5 Incidental Rate (IR)

6 Prevalence Rate (PR)

7 Crude Death Rate (CDR)

8 Maternal Mortality Rate (MMR)

9 Infant Mortality Rate (IMR)

10 Neonatal Mortality Rate (IMR)

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