Computer Science 101 Spring 2000 Section E8TBA Registration Code 1693 Dr. Christopher Vickery.

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1 Computer Science 101 Spring 2000 Section E8TBA Registration Code 1693 Dr. Christopher Vickery

2 Administrivia Course URL – Office and Office Hours –SB Room A-222. –Tu/Th 10:00 to 10:30 PM Email – –Do not use vickery@babbage or vickery@forbin.

3 Administrivia continued Required Course Material –Web Pages, updated regularly –Deitel & Deitel, Third Edition –JDK 1.2 Documentation –Not Dr. Lord’s lecture notes –Not Deitel & Deitel, Second Edition

4 Administrivia continued Exams –Two midterms and a final, 25% each. Quizzes –Four, 6.25% each. Projects –Every week, no credit.

5 Course Topics Java Language –Arrays –Exception Handling –Event Management Java Virtual Machine Core Classes –java.lang –java.util –java.awt, javax.swing

6 Development Tools Use JDK (“SDK”) 1.2 (current version is 1.2.2), also known as “Java 2.” Use a Programmer’s editor, not Notepad. –Programmer’s File Editor (PFE) See [ Development Tools ] web page for download and setup help.Development Tools

7 Working with the DOS Prompt Terminology: Files, directories, current directory, prompt string. dot and dot-dot Commands: cd, md, dir, copy, move. Command line syntax: name, arguments, redirection. Directories and Java “packages.”

8 Exercise 1 Write a java application which prompts the user to supply two numbers and prints their sum. –Do all I/O using class JOptionPane. –Document the code using Javadoc conventions. Put file in a jar file, attach the jar file to an email message, and send it to me. –Be sure to put your name and ID number in the body of the message. Due February 8

9 Exercise 1 Solution [ ] [ Javadoc Pages ]Javadoc Pages

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