Reflection Rotation and Translation. Start with a picture like this..

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Presentation on theme: "Reflection Rotation and Translation. Start with a picture like this.."— Presentation transcript:

1 Reflection Rotation and Translation

2 Start with a picture like this..

3 Vertical reflection

4 Axis of symmetry

5 Horrizontal Reflection

6 Now “join” the bits up..

7 Translate and resize the image.

8 Rotate the image.

9 One idea extended by maths to a powerful image

10 Kowhaiwhai designs use translation, reflection and rotation along with a huge amount of creativity.

11 Try one yourself


13 Start – use reflection

14 The red line is the axis of symmetry

15 What would a 90 degree rotation look like?

16 Then what? You decide..

17 Use some imagination

18 Geometrical based art!

19 One simple idea! And wow!

20 Just one more … ok?

21 Geometrical Design!


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