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Memory Techniques for Controlled Assessment. Memorise the following ten items. You will see each one for 5 seconds.

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Presentation on theme: "Memory Techniques for Controlled Assessment. Memorise the following ten items. You will see each one for 5 seconds."— Presentation transcript:

1 Memory Techniques for Controlled Assessment

2 Memorise the following ten items. You will see each one for 5 seconds.












14 Now write down as many of them as you can remember How many did you get? Which ones were hardest/easiest to remember? Why?

15 Which learning style suits you best?

16 Visual Learners: Maps Posters Charts Spider diagrams Cartoons Summary notes Mental pictures Mind maps

17 Auditory Learners: Record ideas on your phone/iPod Say key words aloud Tell another person Make a presentation Get someone to test you Exchange ideas with your friends Play quiet, relaxing background music

18 Kinesthetic Learners: Walk ‘n’ talk Draw cartoons Posters & storyboards Make a model Role play/drama Make a mind map Write a story Annotate diagrams Make cue/flash cards

19 Use a mix of these different techniques to help you!

20 Preparing for your ORAL

21 Record yourself on a phone Play the recording back and pause it after a few words, then see if you can complete the sentence

22 Type up your paragraphs with words gapped out or just the first letter of each word See if you can say each paragraph aloud, using this to help you Give a friend the full script and get them to check it as you go along

23 Practise with a willing friend or native speaker If they don’t live near you, try using Skype or phoning them

24 Paste your text into cueprompter and it will scroll up the screen for you to read like a newsreader. You can change the speed so it goes faster or slower and test yourself.

25 If you are unsure about the pronunciation, paste your text into this website Make sure you change the voice to the correct language!

26 Now, without looking at your previous list, write down as many of the 10 items as you can remember How many did you get this time? More or fewer than last time? Which ones were hardest/easiest to remember this time? Why?

27 Preparing for your WRITING

28 Type up your paragraphs and print each one on a different page Highlight different tenses in different colours Underline key vocabulary Write each word on a different post-it note, then muddle them up and try to reorder them

29 Gap out all the verbs in your paragraph and print it out again See if you can fill in the verbs without looking Do the same thing using just the first letter of each word

30 Put a copy of your paragraph on the wall Walk over and look at it, then go back to your desk and try to write down what you saw When you have finished, check it against the original text

31 For both the oral and written… Make a note of the words you struggled with and include them in your 40 words!

32 Now, without looking at your previous two lists, write down as many of them as you can remember How many did you get this time? More or fewer than last time? Are you getting the same ones every time? What does this suggest about learning things?


34 1.Cat 2.Hammer 3.120 4.Cute puppy 5.3.57pm 6.Scary clown 7.Spanish book 8.Magnanimous 9.Church 10.Ed Sheeran

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