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Slavery Slaves were usually captured warriors. They were often used as sacrifices. This was in part to humiliate and scare potential enemies. Female.

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3 Slavery


5 Slaves were usually captured warriors. They were often used as sacrifices. This was in part to humiliate and scare potential enemies. Female slaves worked as servants.

6 Mayan Foods

7 Chocolate The Mayans loved chocolate, they called it the “drink of the gods.” Made from the seed of the cacao tree.

8 Mmm, chocolate. The Maya drank chocolate out of vessels like this one. Used in some religious ceremonies.

9 Stuff to Do For Fun

10 Pok-a-tok! Kind of like soccer… And a bit like football… Little bit of basketball too… If you lose, you usually get sacrificed. And, oh yeah, if you win, you might get sacrificed too!

11 Rules Cannot use hands... …or feet. Try to get a 2-8 pound rubber ball into this:

12 Mayan Beauty

13 The Mayans had a very different idea of what was beautiful… They found flat foreheads to be very attractive…

14 How and Why Basically from birth babies would have boards strapped to their heads. This was done (we think) to make the heads look like a piece of corn.

15 And just is case the flathead didn’t impress the ladies… They also liked crossed eyes…

16 And if you thought that Samurai hat was weird…

17 Other options: Jam a piece of rock into your teeth. Get lots of tattoos. Pierce lips and ears.

18 More Feathers = More Beauty

19 Language

20 Writing Only Mexican group to use syllables, not just pictures. Wrote a great deal about time. Only a few of their books remain, the Spanish burned most of them. Also had a unique written number system.

21 Sound Guide a e i o u x ‘ah’ ‘eh’ like effort ‘ee’ like feet ‘oh’ like open ‘oo’ like moon ‘sh’ like bush

22 Common Phrases Bix a belex? (Hi, how are you?) Maloob. (I’m fine) Yum botic. (Thank you.)

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