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Presentation on theme: "WHAT GOOD MATHEMATICIANS DO By: Madeline Hernandez."— Presentation transcript:


2 LEARN IN DIFFERENT WAYS Mathematicians learn in different ways. I show my work. For example, if you answer a math problem, you cant just write the answer, you have to write how you got that answer. I also use different ways. Like, I try finding different ways I can learn. Another way is I learn from others. I find other mathematicians and learn from them.

3 THINK Mathematicians think. I show my thinking by showing my work. I use different ways to think. For example, I try finding different ways I can think. I also have to understand the problem, or else if I don’t understand it, I cant answer the problem. If I want to be able to work, I have to be on solo time. If I don’t have solo time, I wont be able to think.

4 COMMUNICATE IDEAS Another thing mathematicians do, is communicate ideas. I find other mathematicians and communicate my ideas with them. I can communicate ideas by, showing my work to other mathematicians. I use a reasonableness statement. A reasonableness statement is a statement that makes sense. I also write my solution in complete sentences. I cant just write my answer. I use math vocabulary as well. I get my math notebook and look for math vocabulary. I do command the room too. I make sure everyone is watching, and they are all controlling them self's.

5 ATTENTIVELY LISTEN Mathematicians also attentively listen. I have to listen to instructions. If I don’t, I wont know what to do. Mathematicians need to think about what is being said. They cant just be listening to the teacher and be daydreaming. As a mathematician, I have to think, communicate my ideas, attentively listen, and use my tools and time wisely.

6 USE TOOLS AND TIME WISELY I use my tools and time wisely. I use my notebook to write my ideas, problems, solutions you know stuff like that. I also use math tools. Such as blocks, color tiles, tens hundreds thousands and ones cubes, rulers, yard sticks, and plenty of more stuff. I am a mathematician.

7 HOW AM I A MATHEMATICIAN I am a mathematician. I know that because as you can see, I do all those things, such as learn in different ways, I think, I also communicate ideas to other mathematicians, I attentively listen, and I use my tools and time wisely. I do all those things so I can be a good student in class.

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