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REFORMATION OR REVOLUTION? The Protestant Reformation.

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Presentation on theme: "REFORMATION OR REVOLUTION? The Protestant Reformation."— Presentation transcript:

1 REFORMATION OR REVOLUTION? The Protestant Reformation

2 The Spark October 31, 1517 – Wittenburg  95 Theses nailed to church door Response to Church Final straw: Johann Tetzel’s preaching on indulgences – for $ for St. Peter’s  Indulgence: remission of temporal punishment due to sin --- VALID still today  selling invalid!

3 Fanning the Flames Pope Leo X – ignores call for council - so Luther goes public writing tracts:  Vs. indulgences  Vs. Papal authority over Council  Vs. condemnation of Hus  Vs. 7 sacraments --- only baptism/communion  Vs. transubstantiation  Pro married clergy  Pro individual interpretation of Scripture  Pro sola scriptura  Pro justification by faith --- NOT works Threatened with excommunication --- enter Charles V -- Who???? -- (aka Charles I of Spain)

4 Holy Roman Emperor Charles V (aka Charles I of Spain)

5 The Habsburg Dynasty Maximilian I ---------Mary Habsburg(1493-1519) of Burgundy Philip of Burgundy----------Joanna of Castille (la loca) Charles V (1519-1556) Philip II (1556-1598) Ferdinand----Isabella of Aragon of Castille Catherine--Henry VIII of Aragon of Eng. Mary Tudor “Other nations wage war; you, Austria, marry.”

6 The Flames Leap Up Threatened with excommunication Refuses to retract Condemned & excommunicated by Leo X  Exsurge Domine Exsurge Domine  Luther publicly burns the bull! Charles V – sees need to end heresy  Calls Diet of Worms, 1521  Luther says – can’t recant vs. conscience  “God help me! Amen.”  Banned from Holy Roman Empire  Saxony Elector & others protect him  Writes German edition of New Testament

7 The Reformation Spreads Luther denies authority sooo can’t others? Call to German nationalism!  Lutheran princes form Schmalkaldic League vs. Charles V = religious wars in HRE Back in France --- Francis I (Valois) --- vs. Charles --- b/c he’s sandwiched  Sig: Catholic w/Prot vs. Catholic!!!!!  fought in Italy--- (oops – 1527 Charles’ mercenaries attack Rome!)

8 Peace of Augsburg 1555 Cuius regio, eius religio Whose the region, his the religion Applies only to HRE What is Protestant remains so (N) What is Catholic remains so (S) But doesn’t mean tolerance!!!!

9 Part II: ZWINGLI 1484-1531 Hellenist – friend of Erasmus  “People’s Priest” in Zurich, Switzerland Teaching – vs. all authority  No Mass – only a memorial  Condemned relics, incense, pilgrimages…  Iconoclasm: destroyed images + crucifix Determined to take over Switzerland  Dies in battle 1531 ANABAPTISTS: disgruntled Zwinglians

10 John Calvin 1509-1556 Layman – French, fled to Geneva  SYSTEMATIZED PROTESTANT THOUGHT  Institutes of the Christian Religion Teachings:  salvation through Scripture alone  justification by faith  no dancing, cards, drink… Presbyterian (Reformed) --- Knox  PREDESTINATION – Man totally corrupt  Huguenots (French) / Puritans (US)

11 Part III: THE ENGLISH REFORMATION Not “Lutheran” --- Causes Different Henry VIII & Catherine of Aragon -1521 “Defender of the Faith” vs. Luther! -Henry wants a son! --- so Anne Boleyn -asks Pope Clement VII for annulment Yes? – then Julius II wrong No? - Henry may throw a fit So???????

12 The Plot Thickens... Clement VII stalls 1529 Henry head “as far as the law of Christ allows”  Thomas More made Lord Chancellor – but resigns! 1533 Thomas Cranmer, Archbishop of Canterbury, declares the marriage null!!! 1534 Act of Supremacy  1534 Oath of Supremacy: “the only supreme head on earth of the Church of England”  1535 Thomas More executed 1539 6 Articles --- “Catholic” except for supremacy 1535-39 Dissolution of monasteries “bare ruined choirs where late the sweet bird sang” Ireland:::Church driven underground - illegal

13 I’m Henry the VIII, I am... Catherine of Aragon m.1507?-1533 Children: Mary Tudor Divorced

14 Henry the VIII, I am… Anne Boleyn, m.1533-1536 Children: Elizabeth I Accused of adultery Beheaded Elizabeth I

15 … I am … Jane Seymour m. 1536-1537 Children: Edward VI (ah!) Dies in childbirth

16 I’m Henry the VIII, I am... Anne of Cleves m. 1537 “annulled” (i.e.--- divorced)

17 Henry the VIII, I am... Catherine Howard m. 1540-1542 Accused of adultery Beheaded!

18 I’m Henry the VIII, I am... Katherine Parr m. 1543-1547 Survives!!! Henry dies!

19 …back to our story Edward VI 1547-1553  9 years old – sickly – so Archbishop Thomas Cranmer (Prot) rules  English Church became more Protestant  Book of Common Prayer, 1549 (Revised 1553) 42 Articles, 1551 --- repeals 6 Articles  Calvinist ideas on the rise / Clergy marry But then…..  1553 – Edward dies – Who will rule England???

20 But then what happened? Mary Tudor (daughter of Catherine)  1553-1558 Marries Philip II of Spain (Charlie’s son) Tries to bring England back to Rome! Called “Bloody Mary” for executing Cranmer, Latimer – and 300 other Protestants

21 Queen Elizabeth I 1558-1603  Diplomacy: middle line between Puritans / Catholic  “Elizabethan Settlement” – outward conformity or fine (or death for Catholics)  Act of Supremacy, 1559  Repealed Pro-Catholic laws  Act of Uniformity, 1559  Modified version of Book of Common Prayer  39 Articles, 1563  Defined the teachings of Anglican Church

22 Queen Elizabeth I 1558-1603 Challenges:  Protestants called Puritans  Duke of Norfolk’s revolt, 1569 – executed  Mary Queen of Scots  Accused of plots vs. Eliz. 1567-1587 – executed  Philip II of Spain  Spanish Armada, 1588

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