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The Cell Cycle While you are watching this presentation your body will make millions of new cells!

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Presentation on theme: "The Cell Cycle While you are watching this presentation your body will make millions of new cells!"— Presentation transcript:

1 The Cell Cycle While you are watching this presentation your body will make millions of new cells!

2 The Cell Cycle As you grow you pass through different stages in your life. Cells also pass through different stages and we call these stages the cell cycle. It begins when a cell is formed and ends when it divides to form two new cells. Our bodies constantly need to make new cells for growth and repair.

3 The Cell Cycle… Before a cell can divide it must make a copy of its DNA. DNA is the hereditary material that controls all cell activities, including making new cells. The DNA is organized into structures called chromosomes which are found in the nucleus. Humans have 46 chromosomes in each body cell.

4 Phases of the Cell Cycle
The Cell Cycle that our body cells go through has three phases. Cell Cycle Phase 1 Interphase Cell Cycle Phase 2 Mitosis Cell Cycle Phase 3 Cytokinesis

5 Mitosis Mitosis Phase 1 Prophase Mitosis Phase 2 Metaphase
During the second phase called mitosis 2 identical daughter cells are produced from 1 parent cell. Each daughter cell has the same number of chromosomes as the parent cell. This is a complicated process so we will further divide Mitosis into four phases: Mitosis Phase 1 Prophase Mitosis Phase 2 Metaphase Mitosis Phase 3 Anaphase Mitosis Phase 4 Telophase

6 Interphase During interphase the cell grows and does it’s job.
Parent Cell  During interphase the cell grows and does it’s job. Before it divides it also copies its organelles and chromosomes. Our body’s cells spend most of their time in interphase.

7 Prophase Mitosis begins The nuclear membrane dissolves
Chromosomes, which contain DNA, condense into rod-like structures.

8 Metaphase The chromosomes line up on the equator of the cell.

9 Anaphase The homologous chromosomes (identical copies) separate and move to opposite sides of the cell.

10 Telophase The nuclear membrane forms around each new set of chromosomes. The chromosomes unwind. Mitosis is complete.

11 Cytokinesis In animal cells, which do not have a cell wall, the cell pinches in two. In plant cells, which do have a cell wall, a cell plate forms between the two new cells.

12 The Cell Cycle is now complete!
You have two identical daughter cells.

13 Let’s think of a way to remember all of these phases!
I Pretend My Alligator Talks Chinese.

14 Do you remember? I Interphase Pretend Prophase My Metaphase Alligator
Talks Chinese Interphase Prophase Metaphase Anaphase Telophase Cytokinesis

15 The Real Thing… Cell Cycle in Action!

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