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Modified Allowable Growth Report for 2011-12 Board Report 11/22/10.

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1 Modified Allowable Growth Report for 2011-12 Board Report 11/22/10

2 Definition: “ An at-risk student means any identified student who needs additional support and who is not meeting or not expected to meet the established goals of the educational program (academic, personal/social, career/vocational).”

3 Criteria for identifying students at risk Academic Domain Student Achievement Attendance Personal/Social domain Career/Vocational domain

4 Criteria for identifying students at risk Very complex process Referrals can be from students (HS), families, teachers Communication critical with families, staff, and outside resources if needed State requirements increasing

5 Elementary level Absent or tardy for 7 days Meeting ≤50% content area standards quarterly 6 th grade – 2 or more F’s quarterly Receives 3 or more checkmarks for Social/emotion development or Work Habits

6 At the elementary level… A K – 3 student must meet a minimum of three criteria to be identified as “at risk” A 4-6 student must meet 2 criteria

7 Junior High – Attendance & Academics Absent or tardy for 10 days On D/F list for minimum of 3 classes Previous attendance at alternative school and/or program 504 Plan

8 High School – Attendance & Academics Absent or tardy for 15 days/year Fail in a minimum of 1 core course OR 2 classes overall 504 Plan Shows a credit deficiency Freshman ≤ 12 credits Sophomore ≤ 24 credits Juniors ≤ 38 credits Or overaged, undercredited senior (Senior = 54 credits) Attend Edison Academy

9 Academics for all levels: A 3-12 student is two years below grade level in Reading Comprehension and/or Math on ITBS/ITED A K-2 student is reading below grade level as measured by BRI or Observation Survey

10 Consider for ALL students: Unstable home situation Behavior referrals (minimum 5) Mental health/medical diagnosis Personal/social issues (Including pregnancy for older students) (May include Low SES)

11 Application Dollars Modified Allowable Growth application is due December 15, 2010 2010 – 2011 budget = $1,200,676 MAG = $875,832 District share = $324,844 2011 - 2012 budget MAG = $872,008 Minimum 25% regular district program cost Budget specifics will be shared @ 12/13/10 meeting for board approval

12 At Risk Report 11/22/10

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