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Proposal for Mandatory Summer School Grades 6-10 December 2008.

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Presentation on theme: "Proposal for Mandatory Summer School Grades 6-10 December 2008."— Presentation transcript:

1 Proposal for Mandatory Summer School Grades 6-10 December 2008

2 Who would be required to attend Any student in grades 6-10 who scored a 1 on the math or reading portion of the DSTP and who did not meet other indicators as established by the district.

3 Other Indicators of Performance: Middle School Math – a combination of unit tests and final course grade. Reading – a combination of unit tests and final course grade. High School Math and English- a C or better on both the mid-term and final exam.

4 Organizational Structure Middle School – 4 week DSTP summer school run in conjunction with tuition based summer school. High School – 4 week DSTP summer school separate from the tuition based summer school program. HS students needing credit recovery in math and/or English- tuition based summer school would replace DSTP summer school.

5 Cost to the Board Transportation Roughly 200 students Ball Park- $33,600 Staff Approximately 15-20 teachers 15 teachers - 2,600 per = $39,000 (includes Sp. Ed. Teachers)

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